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Luton Borough Council





Please bear in mind our online readers and try to avoid using tables in documents which will end up online, they can be difficult to navigate on a tablet or mobile device.

Telephone numbers

In a sentence or email signature, use the word ‘telephone’ (lower case ‘t’), for example, telephone 01582 546000.
For internal documents where you include an extension number, write ‘x3263’ not ext 3263’. For Luton telephone numbers write the area code first, leave one character space, and write the remaining digits for example: 
01582 546000
The same applies to mobile numbers, for example, 07890 123456.
For London telephone numbers write the area code first, leave one character space, write the next four digits, leave another character space and then write the last four digits, for example, 020 7527 2000.


When writing about the time:
  • use the 12-hour clock instead of the 24-hour clock, for example, 7.30pm not 19:30hrs
  • use a full stop to separate hours and minutes instead of a colon, for example, 9.15pm not 9:15pm
  • use am and pm with hours in numbers only
  • not spelt out, for example, 9am not nine am, but nine o’clock
  • do not include zero minutes with hours unless necessary, for example, 9am not 9.00am, but 9.15am
  • write 12 noon or 12 midnight (with a space) not 12pm or 12am
  • for time ranges use 9am to 4pm (do not use a dash, eg 9am-4pm)

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