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Luton Borough Council

Sustainable drainage systems (SuDS)

New requirements in relation to drainage took effect on 6 April 2015.

On 18 December 2014, the government issued a written statement in relation to sustainable drainage systems. Existing national planning policy is to be strengthened to make it clear the government expects sustainable drainage systems (SuDS) to be provided in new developments. The latest National Planning Policy Framework outlines these expectations which can be found under paragraph 155 here.

To this effect, where planning applications are for major development, the local planning authority must ensure that SuDS are put in place, unless demonstrated to be inappropriate.

Minor developments
These are defined as developments beneath the thresholds set out for major developments as below:
We will not require particular drainage submissions to make an application valid for a minor development, but we encourage evidence that sustainable drainage (SuDS) has been considered.
Please ensure that part 12 (Assessment of Flood Risk) of the standard Application for Planning Permission is completed accurately.
Major developments
A major development is defined as:
Applicants are advised to fill in the surface water drainage pro-forma (see downloads section below) with the level of detailed depending on the type of application submitted.
Major applications will not be made valid from 6 April 2015 onwards unless accompanied by the below requirements.

Pre-application advice
We encourage all applicants to use the EA pre-application service in order that drainage matters can be discussed and potentially agreed upon at this stage.

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