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Luton Borough Council

Parking enforcement


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Blue Badge

Applying for or renewing a Blue Badge

We're authorised to assess people to see if they can get a Blue Badge.

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All Blue Badge applications must be made online using the green button below.

If you're unable to use the online form due to your disability, please call 01582 510372 for an alternative application method.

The online form has been designed to enable applications to be submitted with supporting documents. Please make sure you upload all relevant documents as this may delay your application process.

If you're unable to upload your documents, you can still submit your application and send your documents via email to [email protected].

Applications for a Blue Badge can take up to 12 weeks to process due to high volumes. Please make sure you apply as soon as possible before the expiry of your current badge.

This online form is also designed to be compatible with all devices, and will allow you to take pictures of your documents in order to upload them at the time of applying.

All applications are assessed using the guidance issued to us by the Department for Transport. A copy of the applications guidance can be found here.

If your application for a Blue Badge is refused, you'll receive information explaining why that decision has been made. You'll then have the right to request a review of that decision in 2 stages.

If your application remains refused after the second review stage, you may contact the Local Government Ombudsman (LGO) to request a review of our handling of your application.

Blue Badges cannot be renewed. You must apply for a new one every three years, using either the online or paper application process.

What you will need to provide:

  • details of your current Blue Badge (if you have one)
  • a digital or signed photo (colour, passport style)accepted)
  • your National Insurance number
  • proof of identification
  • proof of residency

If you think a Blue Badge we've issued is being misused, please report it. Try to give as many details as possible from the badge on display:

  • name
  • serial number
  • expiry date
  • the vehicle it is being used in (such as make, colour and registration number)

We'll investigate and take action if we can prove the badge is being misused.

Please contact:

General enquiries - parking shop (Blue Badge)
The Parking Shop
Town Hall
T: 01582 547272
E: [email protected]

Apply for a Blue Badge

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Disabled persons parking bay

A Blue Badge holder may apply for a parking place close to their home, subject to meeting certain criteria. We'll consider the application.

A resident may apply for a disabled persons parking bay close to their home that can only be used by the holder of a Blue Badge.

In each case, the parking place will be sited as near as possible to the relevant building but we have to take the following into consideration:

  • traffic flow
  • the interests of the owners and occupiers of adjoining properties
  • access to premises
  • road safety
  • width of road

Any Blue Badge holder is able to park in a disabled parking bay. As a Blue Badge holder, to obtain a new disabled parking bay (for use by any Blue Badge holder) a successful application must be made which demonstrates certain qualification criteria. To qualify for a disabled parking bay, you must first hold a valid Blue Badge and:

  • demonstrate a genuine need for the bay requested, such as you find it difficult to park near your home for a major portion of the day
  • not have access to private parking within or near the premises

Please use the contact details below to request an application form.

Contact details

Traffic regulation officer
E: [email protected]

We'll make every effort to deal with applications as quickly as possible. However, putting in parking places involves consultation with local people and statutory bodies, as well as the production and publication of traffic management orders. An application will take a minimum of three months to process.

  1. Disabled persons parking bays can legally be provided on the public highway for disabled persons who have serious difficulties in walking.
  2. Any person wishing to apply for a bay should be the holder of a current disabled persons badge, be in receipt of the higher rate mobility component of the Disability Living Allowance and shall usually be the driver of the vehicle needing space. Any exception to this should be stated in writing and accompanying this application.
  3. A council officer will assess the highway conditions and carry out informed local consultations before proceeding. The application will be assessed and processed, subject to sufficient funding being available for the legally necessary traffic regulation order (TRO).
  4. The head of engineering and transportation will promote a formal TRO to control the way the bay is used. This will involve an advertisement in the local press. Anyone objecting to the bay can put forward their views, which have to be considered by an authorised council committee.
  5. If the committee uphold the objections then the bay will not be marked out. If the objections are overruled the TRO will be formally made and the bay will then be marked out on the road. In considering objections it may be necessary for the committee to hold a site meeting to consider any problems.
  6. Once a TRO is in place, a regulatory sign or post will be installed and the use of the bay will be restricted to Blue Badge holders only. Parking attendants can then legally enforce these bays and may issue penalty charge notices to vehicles not displaying a valid Blue Badge whilst parked in the bay.
  7. It should be noted that the applicant will not have exclusive rights to the parking bay. Anyone holding a valid Blue Badge may park in the bay and cannot be moved on by parking attendants.
  8. It is the duty of the applicant to inform the head of engineering and transportation of any changes in their circumstances.
  9. Please make sure that you've completed the whole form before sending it. Errors and/or omissions may result in delays in processing your application.

Download the disabled persons parking criteria

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Residents parking

Find out about qualifying and applying for a residents permit plus how to renew, withdraw and change your registered vehicle.

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Dropped kerbs/crossover

Our contractor, Volker Highways, provide a quotation and construction service for the purpose of dropping kerbs outside properties to make driveways.

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An Volker Highways officer will visit the property to take measurements. If your application is approved, they will email to you a written quotation detailing the total cost and details of payment methods.

Our appointed contractor will carry out the construction of the crossover. No works shall be carried out within the confines of the highway by the applicant or any agent acting for the applicant.

The kerbs will be replaced with three low kerb units and a tapered kerb at each side, unless agreed otherwise with the householder. All new applications will be constructed in tarmac for the full width of the footpath. An extension may be constructed to match the existing crossover, or in tarmac.

Yes, there are restrictions on a classified highway (A or B roads). Planning permission is usually required for which there is a further charge. For further information contact Planning on 01582 546317. Also see our terms and conditions below.

More information regarding refusals can be found using the link below:
What can I do if my planning application is refused

No. You can find contractors online.

If you live in a council property or have purchased it from the council, you will need our permission before you can park on your front garden.

If you are an existing council tenant, you will need to pay half the construction cost of dropped kerb.  However, you will need to arrange for the hard standing to be constructed which will be entirely at your own cost.

If you have bought your property, you will be charged for the 'permission letter' and need to finance all of the work yourself.

In either case, you should not be parking on the front garden until the work has been completed.

We have also provided parking bays around many of the low rise and high rise flats for the use of housing residents and their visitors. However, please be aware that the council will remove any vehicle from these bays if it is untaxed or appears to be abandoned.

If you require long term parking for your vehicle, we do rent garages. Please contact the Business Support team on 01582 546656  to check for availability and waiting times for your area.

Please note: all new applications have been suspended.

What is a dropped kerb for vehicle crossover?

Dropped kerbs for vehicle crossovers can be requested by residents at a cost. The purpose of a vehicle crossover is for you to be able to cross the highway or footway to gain access to your property.

The service provided by the council relates only to vehicle crossovers and not dropped kerbs for pedestrian access.

Only contractors appointed by the council are allowed to carry out construction work associated with crossovers.

Under Section 184 of the Highways Act 1980 it is an offence to drive a vehicle across a footway or verge where there is no proper vehicle crossover. It also allows for the highway authority to arrange for a vehicle crossover to be constructed on footways. A Footway is defined as a pedestrian route adjacent to a road.

The term footway does not include independent pedestrian routes, such routes are called footpaths. The Highway Authority can not authorise vehicle use on a footpath.

If you drive over the Footway or verge without a crossover, damage may be caused to the surface, the kerb, and any pipes and cables hidden underneath. You could be liable for the entire repair costs and any claims for compensation resulting from the damage.

Legal Considerations: Do I need planning permission?

Planning permission is not usually required for residential properties, but will be if the proposed crossover falls within the below criteria:

  • Classified road, the property involved has the frontage directly on to a classified road (A, B or C road).
  • Listed building, the property involved is a listed building.
  • Grass verges, if there is a loss of, or change of use of, public open space. For example, grass verges within the footway.
  • Hard standings (driveways), if you are changing the use of the front of your property to a new hard standing (driveway) that is larger than five wquare meters or extending your hard standing to more than five square meters.

Please also note that any hard standing greater than five square meters will need to be constructed using permeable materials to allow for drainage.

If it appears that your property comes within one of the above classifications and planning permission is required, please contact Luton Council’s planning office on 01582 546317 or [email protected].

There is a charge for submitting an application requesting planning permission.

Important notice The construction of a vehicle crossing by the council does not give the occupier of the premises any particular rights, except to drive across the footway to gain access to his or her property with a light goods or similar vehicle.

The crossing itself is part of the public highway. From the date that the crossing is completed, Luton Council will assume responsibility for its maintenance at no cost to the occupier, apart from any damage caused by illegal use by heavy vehicles for example.


The following is a list of conditions relevant to the construction and the use of a domestic vehicle crossing after it has been completed.

Permitted types of vehicles

A domestic vehicle crossing may only be used by a private light goods or similar vehicle. It may not be used by commercial type vans, heavy goods vehicles or mechanical equipment.

If a delivery, such as a skip, is made into the property, and the delivery damages the crossing, any repairs will be the responsibility of the occupier.

Size of the crossing

The width of a standard single crossing is 4.5 metres at the kerbline. Generally, applications involving only a single width crossing per property will be considered. However, in some cases a wider (up to 7.2 metres) crossing may be acceptable if it adds to the overall highway safety of the access arrangements.

The council will consider such applications provided the applicant shows how a wider crossing will add to the safety of the access arrangement. Crossings wider than a double width crossing may not be permitted.

Two accesses or crossings at the same property

The general rule is that the more points on the highway where vehicles turn, the more potential for traffic conflict there is.

Therefore, applications for two crossovers to a single property, or a second crossover or access point where one already exists, will not normally be approved for domestic dwellings unless there is strong evidence that it will add significantly to highway safety.

For such applications to be considered, the applicant will need to show:

  • How a second crossover or access point will add to the safety of the access arrangement.
  • Why such added safety cannot be achieved from a single crossover or access point, or by improving or repositioning an existing one.
Parking within your property

Your application will not be approved unless you are able to provide a suitable parking area within your property. To comply with our Luton Local Plan, your parking area must be a minimum of 4.9 metres in length by 2.4 metres in width.

We have the right to convert the crossover back to its original state if we see a vehicle overhanging the footway. The crossing itself may not be used for parking, as this would still be considered as illegal parking on a footway.

Standard finish

The normal standard finish to crossings is blacktop (commonly known as tarmac) however alternative materials may be used in conservation areas. This will be decided by the council when you apply for an estimate.

Street furniture

Where applicants have removed more of the wall or fence running along the boundary, than is required by the size of the crossing, it should be understood that an item of street furniture, for example lamp post, telegraph pole, traffic sign, may be erected at any time in the footway outside the area of a crossing, even though this may obstruct an area where there is no wall or similar feature.


The slope of a driveway or parking space must not be steeper than 1 in 10 (10 percent). Gradients steeper than this can cause serious problems when entering or leaving the property.

If your garden is steeper than 1 in 10 your application will only be approved if you commit to constructing a retaining wall to ensure that the driveway or parking space is no steeper than 1 in 10. The crossover will only be constructed after you have built the retaining wall.

Position of the access

The position of the proposed access must be at least 10 metres from a road junction otherwise your application will normally be refused. This is necessary unless your access is from a cul-de-sac.

Your proposed crossover will be refused if it affects the operation of a pedestrian crossing, for example, within the zigzag lines of the crossing, as this would endanger pedestrians using the crossing.

If there is a parking bay or lay-by at the proposed access point this will normally result in your application being refused.

Your application will be refused if the position of the proposed access causes, or is likely to cause, any other highway safety hazard.

Visibility and safety

You must be able to see pedestrians and vehicles well enough when you drive out of the driveway so that you do not cause danger either to yourself or other people using the road and or footway.

Obstacles to construction

Your application will be refused until the obstacle is relocated.

If the proposed position of the access is obstructed by a road sign, lamp post, parking furniture, or utility apparatus etc, the location should be altered to avoid the obstacle.

If this is not feasible, the council will determine whether or not it is feasible or desirable for the item to be removed or relocated and the cost will be passed onto the applicant.

If a statutory authority is required to carry out work by relocating,. for example, a telecoms box or cabinet, telegraph pole. any charges for such work will be the responsibility of the applicant. It is the responsibility of the applicant to contact the utility company.

Environmental considerations

Where an application affects any trees, hedges, flowerbeds and or large grassed areas Highway Maintenance Services will seek the comments of the council’s Parks and Planning units.

If the construction of the crossover will rest within two metres of a tree canopy, we will pass the information to the council's arboricultural officer.

Even though an application satisfies the highway criteria, the application may still be refused if it is considered that the construction of the crossover would be detrimental to the environment, particularly if it involves the removal any ancient hedgerow, mature trees or other landscaping feature that is considered valuable to the area.

In respect of an application that is approved but which affects any landscape features, the cost of removing and replanting of any tree, shrub or other landscape feature or using alternative construction materials sympathetic to the surroundings will be charged to the applicant.

Crossing non-highway land

The provisions of the Highways Act 1980 Section 184, which allows for the highway authority to arrange for a vehicle crossover to be constructed on your behalf, applies only to public footway and the applicant’s property.

In the event that any of the land needed for access is neither highway land nor owned by the applicant, the applicant will be required to obtain the necessary permissions from the relevant owner to permanently drive over the private land for the purposes of parking within their own property and provide evidence that such permission has been granted.

Other advice

Applicants are given the following additional advice concerning the construction and use of a domestic vehicle crossing.

  • You should provide drainage to any hard standing within your property. It is unlawful to allow surface water to discharge on the highway.
  • You should construct your hard standing from bound material so as to prevent any loose material from being carried out onto the highway, for example, pea shingle.
  • When constructing your hard standing, you should also make sure there is a retaining edge adjacent to the crossover. The Hard standing should be constructed to our agreed level.
  • You should gain consent from any affected third parties prior to applying for a crossover.
  • Gates fitted across the vehicle entrance to your property may in no circumstances open outwards across the footway or carriageway. In some instances gates may need to be set back to allow a vehicle to park in front whilst the gates are being opened.
  • The purpose of the above advice is to reduce the likelihood of the council having to take future enforcement action under any relevant section of the Highway Act 1980.

An initial charge will be made to assess the application, if the application is agreed this will result in an estimate for the works.

If the estimate is accepted, full payment will be required before the works can start. On some occasions the provision of a new or extension to a crossover will require us to upgrade the adjacent Highway.

This will result in additional costs that will need to be met by the applicant.

Download these dropped kerb Ts & Cs in a PDF.

Apply for a dropped kerb


Contact Volker Highways Crossovers

Central Depot, Kingsway, Luton, Bedfordshire, LU4 8AU
Tel: 01582 693462

Please note: the office is staffed from 6am to 2pm. Please send an email outside of these hours.

Crossover enquires to [email protected]

Download crossover terms and conditions

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Car parks in Luton

There are 14 car parks and 13 on-street car parks in Luton that we operate.

You can either purchase and display a ticket or use cashless parking when you want to park in Luton. Download the PayByPhone app and just:

  • enter your location number
  • select parking duration
  • confirm your payment

If you don't have a smartphone just call 01582 851 141

These parking charges are as of 1 January 2025.

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Please note: overnight charges now apply

Address and postcode

Beech Hill car park
243 Dunstable Road

Beech Hill location map

Number of spaces



Monday to Sunday 8am to 6pm: maximum stay 2 hours

  • Up to 30 min - £1.20
  • Up to 1 hour - £1.70
  • Up to 2 hours - £3.50

Monday to Sunday 6pm to 8am: overnight charge applies

  • From 6pm to 8am - £2

Payment options

  • Pay by phone: paybyphone
  • T: 01582 851 141
  • Location id: 802294

Additional information

  • Disabled spots
  • Height restrictions: 2.30m
  • Not covered

Please note: overnight charges now apply

Address and postcode

Birch Link car park
Leagrave Road

Birch Link location map

Number of spaces



Monday to Sunday 8am to 6pm: maximum stay 2 hours

  • Up to 30 min - £1.20
  • Up to 1 hour - £1.70
  • Up to 2 hours - £3.50
  • Free before 8am and after 6pm

Monday to Sunday 6pm to 8am: overnight charge applies

  • From 6pm to 8am - £2

Payment options

  • Pay by phone: paybyphone
  • T: 01582 851 141
  • Location id: 802295

Additional information

  • Disabled spots
  • No height restrictions
  • Lit
  • Not covered

Address and postcode

Bramingham Road car park
Bramingham Road

Bramingham Road location map

Number of spaces



  • Up to 3 hours - free
  • Over 3 hours - £15
  • Free before 9am and after 5pm

Payment options

  • Pay by phone: paybyphone
  • T: 01582 851 141
  • Location id: 803611

Additional information

  • Disabled spots - 0
  • Height restrictions: 1.9m
  • Not covered

Please note: overnight charges now apply

Address and postcode

Brunswick Street car park
Brunswick Street

Brunswick Street location map

Number of spaces



Monday to Friday 8am to 6pm

  • Up to 1 hour - £1.20
  • Up to 2 hours - £1.80
  • Up to 4 hours - £2.50
  • All day - £6

Saturdays 8am to 6pm

  • Up to 2 hours - £1.10
  • All day - £2.80

Sundays/bank holidays 8am to 6pm

  • All day - £2

Monday to Sunday 6pm to 8am: overnight charge applies

  • From 6pm to 8am - £1


  • Weekly-unreserved (Mon-Sat) - £20
  • Monthly-unreserved (Mon-Sat) - £70
  • Quarterly-unreserved (Mon-Sat) - £150
  • Annual-unreserved (Mon-Sat) - £550

Payment options

  • Pay by phone: paybyphone
  • T: 01582 851 141
  • Location id: 802296

Additional information

  • CCTV
  • Height restrictions: 2m
  • Partially lit
  • Not covered

Address and postcode

Chapel Viaduct parking
8 Stuart Street

Chapel Street Viaduct car park 1 location map

Number of spaces



Please note: Monday to Friday this is a private car park

  • Quarterly-reserved (Mon to Fri) - £320
  • Annual-reserved (Mon to Fri) - £1,100

Saturdays 8am to 6pm

  • Up to 1 hour - £1.40
  • Up to 2 hours - £2.20
  • Up to 3 hours - £2.90
  • Up to 4 hours - £4.10
  • Up to 5 hours - £5

Sundays/bank holidays 8am to 6pm

  • All day - £2

Payment options

  • Pay by phone: paybyphone
  • T: 01582 851 141
  • Location id: 802299

Additional information

  • CCTV
  • lit
  • Partially covered - part of car pat is under the bridge (height restriction is 11'9")

Address and postcode

Chapel Viaduct parking
8 Stuart Street

Chapel Street Viaduct car park 2 location map

Number of spaces



Please note: Monday to Friday this is a private car park

  • Quarterly-reserved (Mon to Fri) - £320
  • Annual-reserved (Mon to Fri) - £1,100

Saturdays 8am to 6pm

  • Up to 1 hour - £1.40
  • Up to 2 hours - £2.20
  • Up to 3 hours - £2.90
  • Up to 4 hours - £4.10
  • Up to 5 hours - £5

Sundays/bank holidays 8am to 6pm

  • All day - £2

Payment options

  • Pay by phone: paybyphone
  • T: 01582 851 141
  • Location id: 802300

Additional information

  • CCTV
  • lit
  • Height restriction is 11'9"
  • Partially covered - part of car park is under the bridge
  • Open to public only on Saturday and Sundays, and public holidays

Please note: overnight charges now apply

Address and postcode

Crawley Road

Crawley Road location map

Number of spaces



Monday to Friday 8am to 6pm

  • Up to 1 hour - £1.20
  • Up to 2 hours - £1.80
  • Up to 3 hours - £2.50
  • Up to 4 hours - £3
  • Up to 5 hours - £4
  • All day - £7

Saturdays 8am to 6pm

  • All day - £3

Sundays/bank holidays 8am to 6pm

  • All day - £2

Monday to Sunday 6pm to 8am: overnight charge applies

  • From 6pm to 8am - £2


  • Weekly-unreserved (Mon-Sat) - £25
  • Monthly-unreserved (Mon-Sat) - £85
  • Quarterly-unreserved (Mon-Sat) - £250
  • Annual-unreserved (Mon-Sat) - £1,000

Annual fixed day permit

  • Annual fixed day permit (any 2 days per week) - £477
  • Annual fixed day permit (any 3 days per week) - £715
  • Annual fixed day permit (any 4 days per week) - £954

Payment options

  • Pay by phone: paybyphone
  • T: 01582 851 141
  • Location id: 802301

Additional information

  • Disabled spaces
  • CCTV
  • lit
  • Not covered
  • Height restrictions: 2m

Please note: overnight charges now apply

Address and postcode

Hitchin Road car park
Hitchin road

Hitchin Road location map

Number of spaces



Monday to Friday 8am to 6pm

  • Up to 2 hours - £1.80
  • Up to 4 hours - £2.50
  • All day - £6

Saturdays 8am to 6pm

  • All day - £2.80

Sundays/bank holidays 8am to 6pm

  • All day - £1.70

Monday to Sunday 6pm to 8am: overnight charge applies

  • From 6pm to 8am - £2


  • Weekly-unreserved - (Mon-Sat) - £25
  • Monthly-unreserved (Mon-Sat) - £80
  • Quarterly-unreserved (Mon-Sat) - £190
  • Annual-unreserved (Mon-Sat) - £650

Payment options

  • Pay by phone: paybyphone
  • SMS:
  • T: 01582 851 141
  • Location id: 802302

Additional information

  • Height restrictions: 1.90m
  • Lit
  • Not covered

Please note: overnight charges now apply

Address and postcode

Mostyn Road car park
Mostyn Road

Mostyn Road map location

Number of spaces



Monday to Saturday 8am to 6pm

  • Up to 1 hour - £0.50
  • Up to 2 hours - £1.20
  • Up to 4 hours - £1.80
  • All day - £4.60

Sundays/bank holidays 8am to 6pm

  • All day - £2

Monday to Sunday 6pm to 8am: overnight charge applies

  • From 6pm to 8am - £2


  • Annual-unreserved (Residents Zone S only) - £71
  • Weekly-unreserved (Mon-Sat) - £22
  • Monthly-unreserved (Mon-Sat) - £80
  • Quarterly-unreserved (Mon-Sat) - £180
  • Annual-unreserved (Mon-Sat) - £600

Payment options

  • Pay by phone: paybyphone
  • SMS:
  • T: 01582 851 141
  • Location id: 802303

Additional information

  • Disabled spaces
  • Height restrictions: 2.05m
  • Lit
  • Not covered

Please note: overnight charges now apply

Address and postcode

Round Green car park
Ramridge Road

Round Green location map

Number of spaces



Monday to Saturday 8am to 6pm

  • Up to 1 hour - £0.50
  • Up to 2 hours - £1.20
  • Up to 4 hours - £1.60

Sundays/bank holidays 8am to 6pm

  • All day - £1.80

Monday to Sunday 6pm to 8am: overnight charge applies

  • From 6pm to 8am - £2


  • Annual-unreserved (residents only) £71

Payment options

  • Pay by phone: paybyphone
  • SMS:
  • T: 01582 851 141
  • Location id:802304

Additional information

  • Height restrictions: 2m
  • Lit
  • Not covered

Please note: overnight charges now apply

Address and postcode

South Road car park
South Road

South Road location map

Number of spaces



Monday to Friday 8am to 6pm

  • Up to 1 hour - £1.20
  • Up to 2 hours - £1.70
  • Up to 3 hours - £2.30
  • Up to 4 hours - £3
  • Up to 5 hours - £4
  • All day - £7

Saturdays 8am to 6pm

  • All day - £3

Sundays/bank holidays 8am to 6pm

  • All day - £2

Monday to Sunday 6pm to 8am: overnight charge applies

  • From 6pm to 8am - £2


  • Weekly-unreserved (Mon-Sat) - £30
  • Monthly-unreserved (Mon-Sat) - £100
  • Quarterly-unreserved (Mon-Sat) - £280
  • Annual-unreserved (Mon-Sat) - £960

Payment options

  • Pay by phone: paybyphone
  • SMS:
  • T: 01582 851 141
  • Location id: 802305

Additional information

  • Disabled spaces
  • CCTV
  • Height restrictions: 2m
  • Lit
  • Not covered

Address and postcode

Sundon Park Road car park
Sundon Park Road

Sundon Park Road location map

Number of spaces



Monday to Sundays 9am to 5pm

  • Up to 3 hours - free
  • Over 3 hours - £15
  • Free before 9am and after 5pm

Payment options

  • Pay by phone: paybyphone
  • SMS:
  • T: 01582 851 141
  • Location id:803612

Additional information

  • Disabled spaces - 5
  • Height restrictions: 1.8m
  • Not covered

Please note: overnight charges now apply

Address and postcode

Vicarage Street car park
Vicarage Street

Vicarage Street location map

Number of spaces



Monday to Friday 8am to 6pm

  • Up to 1 hour - £1.20
  • Up to 2 hours - £1.80
  • Up to 3 hours - £2.50
  • Up to 4 hours - £3
  • Up to 5 hours - £4
  • All day - £7

Saturdays 8am to 6pm

  • All day - £3

Sundays/bank holidays 8am to 6pm

  • All day - £2

Monday to Sunday 6pm to 8am: overnight charge applies

  • From 6pm to 8am - £2


  • Weekly-unreserved (Mon-Sat) - £30
  • Monthly-unreserved (Mon-Sat) - £110
  • Quarterly-unreserved (Mon-Sat) - £300
  • Annual-unreserved (Mon-Sat) - £1,150
  • Unreserved permit - Autumn Term (11 weeks) - £250
  • Unreserved permit - Winter Term (11 weeks) - £250
  • Unreserved permit - Summer Term (8 weeks) - £190
  • Unreserved permit - Academic year (39 weeks) - £800

Payment options

  • Pay by phone: paybyphone
  • SMS:
  • T: 01582 851 141
  • Location id:802306

Additional information

  • Disabled spaces
  • Electric car charging
  • CCTV
  • Height restrictions: 2.05m
  • Lit
  • Partially covered

Please note: overnight charges now apply

Address and postcode

Wenlock Street car park
Wenlock Street

Wenlock Street location map

Number of spaces



Monday to Friday 8am to 6pm

  • Up to 1 hour - £1.20
  • Up to 2 hours - £1.80
  • Up to 4 hours - £2.50
  • All day - £6

Saturdays 8am to 6pm

  • Up to 2 hours - £1.10
  • All day - £2.80

Sundays/bank holidays 8am to 6pm

  • All day - £1.70

Monday to Sunday 6pm to 8am: overnight charge applies

  • From 6pm to 8am - £2


  • Weekly-unreserved (Mon-Sat) - £20
  • Monthly-unreserved (Mon-Sat) - £70
  • Quarterly-unreserved (Mon-Sat) - £150
  • Annual-unreserved (Mon-Sat) - £550

Payment options

  • Pay by phone: paybyphone
  • SMS:
  • T: 01582 851 141
  • Location id: 802307

Additional information

  • CCTV
  • Height restrictions: 2.05m
  • Lit
  • Not covered

Car parks season tickets

We can provide you with car park season tickets for a range of time periods.

Apply for your season ticket by clicking on the button below. You can only get season tickets for car parks shown on this car park charges page.

Full details of prices and the types of season tickets for all our car parks can be downloaded from the bottom of the page.

Apply for a parking permit

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Report a nuisance parked vehicle

Parking Enforcement can only deal with vehicles where there are parking restrictions that are being contravened such as:

  • yellow lines
  • permit bays
  • dropped kerbs etc

If there are no restrictions present, then they have no powers to issue penalty charge notices or move vehicles on. This includes vehicles parking on the footway as, outside of London, this is not a contravention of civil parking restrictions and unless there are other parking restrictions for that area that specifically restrict parking on the footway, then Parking Enforcement are unable to deal with such vehicles.

You can report nuisance parked vehicles on the Love Clean Streets app and website.

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Renting a council garage

Anyone can apply to rent a council garage. You can select up to four sites on your application. Find out more about the cost, conditions, and how to apply.

More on renting a council garage

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© 2025 Luton Council, Town Hall, Luton LU1 2BQ