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Luton Borough Council

Manage your environmental reports online


You can tell us online about a number of environmental issues in Luton relating to:

  • roads or pavements
  • street care or cleaning
  • parks and open space

Love Clean Streets app

Using the free phone app is the quickest way to report an environmental issue to us. From your phone's app store search for 'Love Clean Streets' to download the app to your phone.

app store logo google play logo 

Reporting an issue using the app

Set Luton to be your home authority:

  • move map pointer to location of the issue
  • take a photo
  • pick a category
  • tell us what's wrong
  • submit a report

Reporting online with Love clean streets

If you're unable to use the app, you can check our live map to see if the issue has already been reported to us. If the live map doesn't show your issue, you can add a report. Select the option from the menu at the top of the page. Note: you'll need to log in to your account to add a report.

Please make sure you set the location of the issue to help us respond and resolve the issue as quickly as possible.

Make an environmental report online

© 2024 Luton Council, Town Hall, Luton LU1 2BQ