School admissions

Everything you need to know about applying for a school place in Luton.
Transferring to a new school or academy
Information for parents whose child is transferring to a new school in September 2025.
Find out more about transferring to a new school or academyChanging my child’s school (in-year)
Information for parents who want to change their child's school during the school year.
Find out more about changing my child’s school (in-year)Appeals, policies and admission arrangements
Information on admissions appeals, policies and arrangements for Luton schools and academies.
Find out more about admission, policies and academiesChildren under five years of age
If your child is starting school or nursery this year.
More information for children under five years of ageCatchment area look-up
Find out which schools are in the catchment area/ward for your address.
Catchment area look-upDoes my child qualify for school transport?
The passenger transport unit (PTU) provides transport to schools for pupils who would otherwise be unable, or would have considerable difficulty, accessing education.
Find out about home to school transportLuton school contact information
Nursery, primary and secondary schools and a directory of Luton schools.
Find out about Luton's school contact informationIn-year fair access protocol
The school admissions code requires all local authorities to have an 'in-year fair access protocol, all schools and academies in Luton must take part in the agreed protocol.
Find out more about In-year fair access protocolAccess to Education team
Help and support to families with school applications, school appeals advice and school admissions process.
Find out more Access to Education teamContact us for school admissions general enquiries
If you have not been able to find an answer to your question please click the link below to ask us. We aim to respond within 2 working days.