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Luton Borough Council

In-year fair access protocol

The school admissions code requires all local authorities to have an 'in-year fair access protocol, all schools and academies in Luton must take part in the agreed protocol.

Luton Council and all schools and academies in Luton are committed to inclusive education, the 'in-year fair access protocols' (which can be downloaded below) set out how those pupils most at risk of exclusion from education will be supported.

Primary in-year fair access protocol

The 'primary in-year fair access protocol' has been developed in collaboration with Luton’s five neighbourhood partnerships to ensure that the following pupils are suitably placed whilst ensuring an equitable distribution of the most challenging pupils between schools.

  • permanently excluded pupils
  • pupils with significantly challenging behaviour
  • pupils new to Luton with significantly challenging behaviour
  • vulnerable pupils

The operation of the protocol is overseen by Luton Council and doesn't operate for the normal admissions rounds as these children must be admitted.

Examples of which are:

  • entry to the reception year and year 3 (junior schools only) at the start of the academic year
  • looked after children
  • a previously looked after child
  • a child with a statement of SEN or EHCP

Secondary in year fair access protocol

Secondary head teachers and principals have agreed to share permanently excluded pupils and those whose parents have agreed to a managed move under the 'in-year fair access protocol'.

This protocol also covers vulnerable unplaced children and other vulnerable children on a school roll who require a managed move.

The 'in-year fair access protocol' doesn't cover normal in year admissions or the admission of children in care and overrides usual admission arrangements.

The operation of the protocol is overseen by the 'pupil placement panel', Luton’s secondary headteacher group and the Luton Council.

The 'pupil placement panel' meets for two hours once a month and is made up of the following core members

  • One representative from each school (academy trusts may decide to send one representative for all the schools in their trust) - the school or trust representative would need to have sufficient authority to make decisions on behalf of the headteacher of the school(s) they are representing.
  • Manager of the 'Behaviour inclusion Support Services BISS (chair)'
  • Head of ACE or nominated representative
  • Senior education officer or Access to Education manager


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