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Luton Borough Council


The political party in control is Labour. The leader of the council is Councillor Hazel Simmons, Labour Group. The leader of the Liberal Democrat Group is Councillor Amjid Alli and the leader of the Conservative Group is Councillor Aslam Khan.

The political make-up of the council

  • Labour: 30 councillors
  • Liberal Democrats: 15 councillors
  • Conservative: 3 councillors
  • The overall turnout was 27.9%.
  • The number of votes cast was 40,347.
  • See full results at local election results 2023.

The final count took place at Inspire Sports Centre and concluded at 3.05pm, Friday 6 May.

© 2024 Luton Council, Town Hall, Luton LU1 2BQ