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Luton Borough Council

Information for practitioners

Our vision is for all agencies and services in Luton to work together to prevent domestic abuse and to reduce its impact. Our aim is to provide high quality support and services for all women, men and children affected by domestic abuse and to ensure that those who perpetrate abuse are held accountable.

This does not mean that all practitioners are expected to provide detailed advice, counselling or guidance to someone who has disclosed domestic abuse, nor are they expected to take on the responsibility of providing ongoing emotional support to victims.

However practitioners are expected to be able to signpost victims to relevant services which can offer this level of support.
They should also be aware of lead professionals within their own agencies who can address any safeguarding issues including making an assessment in relation to the level of risk present to determine whether a MARAC referral is required.

To assist in developing the knowledge and confidence of practitioners in addressing domestic abuse including:

There are a number of resources, support and training available.

Luton Domestic Abuse Forum

Luton Domestic Abuse Forum is a multi agency network of statutory, voluntary and private sector agencies all of whom share an interest in raising awareness and promoting effective practice to address domestic abuse.

The forum operates to improve the knowledge and understanding of professionals and the community in relation to domestic abuse including forced marriage and honour based violence.

The forum is regularly attended by a wide range of professionals, volunteers and service users and meets to discuss and raise awareness of new approaches, research and issues relating to domestic abuse.

In addition to meetings the forum is involved in the delivery of multi agency training to professionals across Luton and has previously organised and co-ordinated multi-agency events relating to domestic abuse.

The forum also operates as a virtual network circulating information and news to members.

If you're interested in becoming a member of the forum or receiving communications from the group please email [email protected].

© 2025 Luton Council, Town Hall, Luton LU1 2BQ