Luton Borough Council
Domestic violence: directory of local services

If you, or someone you know, is suffering domestic abuse, please call:
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If you, or someone you know, is suffering domestic abuse, please call:
National Domestic Violence Helpline
Tel - 0808 2000 247 (24 hour help line)Women's Aid in Luton
Tel - 01582 391856 (Mon-Fri 1000-1700)Offering refuge, outreach, drop-in, freedom programme.
Women's Aid in Luton website
Luton All Women's Centre
Tel - 01582 416783 (Mon-Fri 0900 - 1700)Offering support, advice and counselling on domestic abuse, forced marriages and honour violence, freedom programme.
Stepping Stones
Tel - 01582 457114Offering help and support to women affected by any drug/alcohol, domestic abuse, mental health and social care related issues, freedom programme
Stepping Stones website
Follow this link for information on organisations that can help in cases of honour crime.
Follow this link for information on organisations that can help in cases of forced or child marriage.
In an emergency, always call 999.
For advice on how to support a friend or family member, please read the attached leaflet on supporting those experiencing domestic abuse.
Contact info
Luton domestic abuse co-ordinator
Tel: 01582 546231
Tel: 01582 546231
© 2025 Luton Council, Town Hall, Luton LU1 2BQ