Tackling antisocial behaviour (ASB) together
Antisocial behaviour (ASB) can come in many different forms and it can include nuisance and harassment in relation to:
- noise
- begging
- littering and refuse (including drug paraphernalia)
- prostitution and kerb crawling
- street drinking
- rowdy and anti-social behaviour
- abandoned vehicles
- dog fouling and continual barking
- drug abuse
Annual reviews
The Antisocial Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014 sets out the requirement for agencies, including us, to make arrangements for and to carry out anti-social behaviour case reviews – otherwise known as the ‘Community Trigger’.
Together these agencies can review anti-social behaviour cases and consider actions that could be taken in order to find a solution for the victim or complainant. The reviews focus on the current situation and what else could be done, and not as a complaints procedure.
At the end of each financial year, we will publish data relating to the case reviews. In 2018-19, to date, one application was made (July 2018) and one case review was carried out, which resulted in no recommendations being made.