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Luton Borough Council

Definitive map and statement

Definitive maps and statements provide a legal record of the existence and route of any public rights of way over land.They provide conclusive evidence of the existence of public rights of way and are very important to landowners and users as they formally record where the public has a right to walk and where applicable, ride horses and bicycles and drive vehicles.

The National Parks and Access to the Countryside Act 1949 first imposed a legal duty on county councils (known as surveying authorities) to carry out a survey of their areas and to embark on a process of producing a definitive map and an accompanying definitive statement describing certain kinds of public rights of way.

Under Section 53 of the Act, the council has a duty to keep the DMS up to date through a process of continuous review. When the council discovers evidence that the map or statement is incorrect and needs changing (known as a modification) it will do so by making and advertising a legal order called a definitive map modification order

Current definitive map modification order

Objecting to a order

Objections or representations relating to this order must be made in writing by the date stated in the Public Notice to the address below and should include the grounds upon which they are made.

The Highways Asset Manage
Highways Services Building
Luton Borough Council
14 Kingsway Depot

© 2024 Luton Council, Town Hall, Luton LU1 2BQ