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Luton Borough Council

Report an abandoned vehicle

Signs of an abandoned car

Just because a car is parked in a particular place for a few days doesn’t necessarily mean it has been abandoned.

Vehicles that are in use or where the keeper is known are not likely to be deemed abandoned. For the purposes of applying council powers to deal with an abandoned vehicle is must be clear that the vehicle has been left and is not likely to be claimed by the keeper. 

Look for the signs of an abandoned car

  • Left for a specific period of time
  • number plates missing
  • flat tyres or missing wheels
  • broken windows or significant damage

Our process

  • We'll inspect the vehicle. If we think it is abandoned, we may put a notice on it, explaining we intend to remove and scrap it
  • As part of this process, we must make an attempt to trace and contact the keeper which may take some time to resolve. In addition, if the vehicle is on private land we will require the landowner’s permission before we can act, again this can take time to resolve
  • If the owner fails to contact us or remove it within a specified time, we can remove and, if necessary, destroy it
  • If the vehicle is on private land – we must wait until the landowner provides permission for us to access their land before we can act

For further information please find the government guidance around duty to remove abandoned vehicles. You can report abandoned vehicles on the Love Clean Streets app and website.

We can't remove vehicles straight away.  If you have reported a vehicle and want to check the progress of the case, please call 01582 510333.

Whilst the notice we place may inform the keeper that we intend to remove the vehicle in 1, 7, 15 or 28 days – our process may take longer to complete.  In addition, a vehicle may be claimed by the keeper and cannot therefore be removed by us. 

What we can’t deal with

Nuisance parking is not covered by the same as regulations as abandoned vehicles. Please do not report the following situations as an abandoned vehicle:

  • vehicles parked on a parking restriction (yellow lines or permit bays)
  • vehicles parked across a dropped kerb access
  • vehicles parked whilst causing an obstruction - see more details and report nuisance parking
  • vehicles parked by someone who has gone on holiday – this often occurs near the airport or train stations
  • vehicles we have investigated as abandoned but where the keeper has come forward to claim it – in such cases, we cannot force them to remove the vehicle if it is road legal and on public land
  • a household or business that has multiple cars parked outside of it where there are no parking controls in place
  • vehicles parked in a residential area which you do not recognise and where there are no parking controls in place

Please note: the public highway is available to all road users regardless of their place of residency. A resident doesn't have priority over others parking in the road that they live in.

Matters for Bedfordshire Police

Certain issues relate to activity that the council do not have powers to deal with. The car may have been stolen and dumped, causing an obstruction or be unroadworthy. In you believe this to be the case, you should report it to the local police on 101 or on the Bedfordshire Police website. Do this if a vehicle is:

  • parked in an awkward position suggesting it has been stolen and dumped or causing an obstruction
  • burnt out
  • showing visible signs it has been broken into (damaged locks, removed key barrels, smashed windows)
  • no MOT – with no other signs of abandonment

If your vehicle is lost or stolen please see information from Bedfordshire Police.

How to report an abandoned vehicle

You can report an abandoned vehicles on the Love Clean Streets app and website by clicking the button below.

Report an abandoned vehicle

© 2025 Luton Council, Town Hall, Luton LU1 2BQ