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Luton Borough Council

Onboarding for installers


Our goal

Our key goal is to become a carbon neutral town by 2040 and to ensure our residents living in the town are no longer living in poverty including fuel poverty. In order for us to deliver our goal and ambitions, we along with its partners are developing a forward thinking strategic vision in becoming a centre of excellence for developing the skills and training, attracting inward investment into the town.

To help us achieve our vision, we're looking to work closely with installer companies to help deliver energy efficiency improvements through the various grant funded programmes.

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We're encouraging all installers working in Luton, delivering works under any grant funded scheme (eg ECO) to register their company details with us so we have a comprehensive installer list which residents can refer to. The installer list is published on our website as part of our information about energy efficiency.

In order to meet our requirements, please refer to the installer guidance document which outlines the necessary information we require from all installers before including them on our published list.

As part of the agreement for onboarding installers, we request that installers send monthly reports to us. The monthly report will only contain the total number of ECO and LA Flex works carried out including the total value of works per month.

We may request further breakdown for each property including the address details, measures installed in the property, PRE and POST EPC ratings for the property.

The data will only be used for internal reporting purposes to highlight the inward investment made within Luton.

The current version of our Statement of Intent (SoI) is available on the LA Flexibility page on our website. Installers wishing to register under the LA Flex scheme can do so by referring to the installer guidance document available below. We have included additional criteria which installers will need to meet in order for us to issue the LA Flexibility Declaration. Installers are required to follow the guidance set out on the LA Flex installers guidance document.

Prior to us issuing the LA Flex Declarations, we will be following up with residents to ensure all the information supplied with all the supporting documentation is as stated in the LA Flexibility form. If we do find any inconsistency with the forms we will not issue the declaration and carry out an investigation.

Complaints about installers received from our residents will be taken seriously and will be investigated by us. Part of the investigation will be to ascertain whether the installer company has followed its own complaints procedure.

We will also investigate false LA Flex applications or complaints about those installer companies which are registered for us under the LA Flexibility scheme. Complaints which include any of the examples given below, will be reported to the Accreditation Bodies and to Trustmark for them to take appropriate action.

  • Poor workmanship such as failure to meet minimum regulations
  • Refusal of installers to rectify installation
  • Damage to property
  • Aggressive behaviour towards the residents of the property
  • Installations carried out by unqualified staff
  • Failure to send monthly data to us as per agreement

If, following an investigation, we have sufficient evidence to retain concerns about the installer, the company will be removed from the approved installer list under the approval of the Director of Housing and reported to their accreditation body.

In the case of installers which have been approved for LA Flex, we will no longer issue the LA Flex Declarations for a minimum of one year, and the installer will be removed from the approved installer list and reported to the accreditation body.

Installers will be able to reapply to us after the termination date has ended, and will be required to reapply following the current installer guidance process.


© 2025 Luton Council, Town Hall, Luton LU1 2BQ