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Luton Borough Council



Financial support

As a care leaver, you're entitled to financial support and advice. This will be different for each young person, so it's important that you speak with your personal adviser to confirm what support you're entitled to.

Click your age group to find out what financial support is on offer to you.

16 to 21

Part time training or education

You may be able to access bursary from the college. Ask your personal adviser for more information.

Transport to education or training
Funding to pay for transport to education or training if no other funding is available, based on attendance.

Travel to work
Funding to commute to a new place of part-time or full-time work for up to 4 weeks based on assessed need.

Work wear
Funding to buy essential work wear based on assessed need.

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16 to 25


Funding to see family or significant others based on assessed need. This can be discussed when you do your pathway plan with your PA.

Photo ID

Provisional licence will be funded up to the age of 25 and a driving licence will be funded as a form of photo ID, based on assessed need. A passport will only be funded based on assessed needs).

Hobbies and interests
Funding to pursue hobbies or interests based on assessed need. This can be discussed when you do your pathway plan with your PA.

Interview clothes
Up to a total of £100 for interview clothing based on assessed need.

Leaving Care grant for setting up home
Up to a total of £2000 funding to buy essential furniture and household items based on assessed need. Ask your personal adviser for more information.

Support for course equipment
Funding for course equipment  based on assessed need. Ask your social worker or personal adviser about how you access it.

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17 to 25

Driving lessons

Funding for up to 10 driving lessons. You will be expected to further 10 lessons. We'll pay for fees for 1 theory test and 1 practical driving test, based on assessed need. Funding for one theory test and one practical test will be provided.

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18 to 25

Council Tax Relief
Luton Council has agreed that care leavers will not have to pay Council Tax. Depending on the number of adults residing in your property, this could be up to 100%.

Your personal adviser can help you apply for this exemption. This only applies:

  • until you're 25 and you live in the Luton area
  • if you don’t live with someone else who is not a care leaver
  • if you're living alone or with a dependent under the age of 18 then you are eligible for the single person discount.

If you are in receipt of benefits you may also be eligible for a council tax reduction.

You must apply for the Council Tax exemption. Please discuss this with your personal adviser and let them know of any change in circumstance.

Graduation ceremony
£50 for expenses related to your graduation ceremony.

Higher education Allowance
Financial support  of £100 per week during your degree course  will be provided based on assessed needs.

Higher education bursary
£2,000 Higher Education Bursary is provided for undergraduate courses. This will be paid in term time instalments for the duration of the course. This is a one off bursary

Leaving Care Allowance while waiting for your first Universal Credit claim
£57.90 per week for 5 weeks while you wait for your Universal Credit. You will be expected to make an advanced benefit claim and your personal adviser will support you with this.

Rent deposit
Based on assessed need and outlined in your pathway plan, rent deposit will be funded to secure accommodation for independent living. If you haven't received this prior to age 21 then this financial support can be accessed up to age 25.

Removal costs

Removal expenses for up to 2 changes of address based on assessed needs. If you are living with a partner only half the removal fee will be paid. This will be based on assessed need.

More information can be found on our leaving care financial policy and guidance.

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