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Luton Borough Council

Care homes in Luton: residential and nursing homes


We want you to be able to live independently in your own home for as long as you can. But when this is not possible, moving into a care home could be an option for you.

There is a wide choice of homes throughout Luton which provide high-quality residential and nursing care to meet the needs of:

  • people who are frail through old age
  • people with a physical disability
  • people with a learning disability

Residential and nursing homes (Luton Directory)

Residential home or nursing home?

Both residential homes and nursing homes are often referred to as ‘care homes’.
A residential home is a place where you can live, either permanently or temporarily, whilst receiving care which is provided by on-site staff. All your living needs – including food, heating and laundry are provided.
In a care home you will have your own bedroom but you share communal rooms such as the living room and dining room with other residents. You may, or may not, have your own bathroom. Some social activities will be provided by the care home and there may be others which are optional and require a payment.
Nursing homes are the similar to residential homes but with on-site nursing care provided for people who have an assessed nursing need.
Your assessment of care needs will determine which is the most suitable type of care home for you.

Other housing options for people with a learning disability

If you have a learning disability then a residential care home may not be the only option for you. There are other places where you can live and receive support.
Follow this link to read more about your choices for having a home.

Temporary stays in a care home

Your stay in a care home can be permanent or temporary, depending on your assessed need. Reasons why it might be appropriate for you to have a temporary stay could include:
  • to provide a ‘respite’ break for your carer
  • when you have been discharged from hospital but cannot yet manage at home on your own

How do I choose a care home?

There is a full list of residential and nursing homes in Luton to download below.
We don’t recommend specific care homes, but we strongly advise you to read the detailed assessments of homes conducted by the Care Quality Commission (CQC). As the regulator, it is their responsibility to check that care homes are meeting the required national standards by providing people with safe, effective, compassionate and high-quality care.
The CQC publish their results as reports which you can read to help you make more-informed decisions about your choice of care home.
You can follow this link to read the Care Quality Commission reports.

Visiting care homes before you choose

Before  you visit care homes you might want prepare a list of things which are important to you to find out. Age UK has a printable check list which you can take with you. It covers things for you to consider in four categories:
  • building and location
  • day-to-day life
  • your care needs
  • contracts and fees
Follow this link to the Age UK care home checklist.

Do I need to go into a home?

Your first step is to contact us so we can look at your situation and see whether a care home is the best option for you. We do this by giving you an assessment of care needs.
During the assessment we will work with you to see if there are other ways we can support you, so you can remain independent in your own home. An alternative to going into a home might be to have home care – where carers come to you on an agreed basis to help you at certain times throughout the day.
Follow this link to read more about other ways you can live at home and keep safe.

Who will pay if I go into a home?

You may be expected to pay all, some, or none of your care home fees. The amount will depend on your individual finances. In general the less money you have, the less you will be expected to contribute. To work out how much we expect you to contribute we need to have an in-depth look at your finances. This is called your financial assessment. Some of the things we will consider are your:
  • interest on savings
  • pensions
  • benefits
In addition we will look at any capital you have, which may include:
  • savings
  • investments
  • property

Can I choose my care home if the council is paying?

Yes, provided the care home is able to provide you with the care you need and meets our contractual requirements including the quality and cost of care provided.
Your social worker will be able to help you with finding homes which are suitable for you.

Further reading:

Paying for your residential care home
Self funders: paying for your own care
Contact info
Customer Services Centre
Luton Borough Council, Town Hall, George Street, Luton, Bedfordshire, LU1 2BQ
Tel: 01582 547659 or 547660


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