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Luton Borough Council

Help for people who are not eligible for council care


If you are not eligible for council-funded care but you feel you have care needs there are other local and national organisations which may be able to help you.
Here are answers to the most frequent questions we receive from people who are not eligible for council-funded care.

Where can I get support with domestic duties and shopping?

Age Concern Luton (01582 456812) runs a subsidised home help service.

What are the prices for residential, and nursing, care homes?

The cost of residential and nursing care homes varies between homes and can depend upon the facilities available and the type of care you will need. We suggest you call the care home directly to find out their prices.

Can I have a list of local care agencies/ homes/ meals at home/ luncheon clubs?

You can find up-to-date lists of all these services and more, in our online directory:

Luton Directory

Can I get help filling in housing and benefit forms?

Penrose is a registered charity with a service based in Luton. It can offer: housing-related support; checks to see if you are getting all benefits you are entitled to; help filling in benefit forms; help managing your finances; and can also make referrals to other agencies for you on your behalf. Contact them on 01582 343230.

How do I find out about sheltered housing?

Our Housing Allocation Team (01582 546646) will be able to help with information about council-run sheltered accommodation. NHS Choices has further information on sheltered housing, including links to help you find providers of private developments.

Where can I get a pendant ‘life-line’ alarm?

A Lifeline is available from Telelink Care Services 01582 480943. It consists of a box you plug into your phone line and a pendant which you wear to summon assistance in an emergency. A Lifeline costs £2.87 a week.

I need some small ‘odd-jobs’ doing round my house. Where can I get help?

Age Concern Luton has handymen who can do a range of jobs from simple tasks like changing light bulbs through to larger skilled work such as constructing hand rails, banisters and steps. Their team can also help you apply for funds and grants for specific home improvements and are able to source reputable local tradesmen.

Where can I get equipment to help my day-to-day living?

The Disability Resource Centre in Dunstable (01582 470900) offers independent advice and information to people with a disability and to their carers. You can also try out a range of equipment such as beds, bath lifts, riser-recliner chairs and scooters before you buy, and they also sell everyday living aids such as easy-grab cutlery and kettle tippers.

Contact info
Customer Services Centre
Luton Borough Council, Town Hall, George Street, Luton, Bedfordshire, LU1 2BQ
Tel: 01582 547659 or 547660


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