Luton Local Plan – Evidence base

Evidence for the current Local Plan 2011-2031 is headed 'Evidence for the Adopted Local Plan 2011- 2031' whereas, evidence for preparing the new Local Plan will be headed 'Evidence - New Local Plan '.
Evidence - New Local Plan
As new evidence is published as part of the new Local Plan preparation it will appear here. Please review these pages as the evidence is populated over time.
Evidence for the Adopted Local Plan 2011-2031
- Duty to cooperate statement - April 2016 - Luton Borough Council
- Duty to cooperate appendix A - April 2016 - Luton Borough Council
- Duty to cooperate appendix B - April 2016 - Luton Borough Council
- Duty to cooperate appendix C - April 2016 - Luton Borough Council
- Duty to cooperate appendix D - April 2016 - Luton Borough Council
- SOCG BBC April 14 2016 - Final signed version with attachments
Evidence - New Local Plan
As new evidence is published as part of the new Local Plan preparation it will appear here. Please review these pages as the evidence is populated over time.
Evidence for the Adopted Local Plan 2011-2031
- High Town masterplan
- A healthier future - improving health and wellbeing in Luton 2012 - 2017, Luton Borough Council and Luton Clinical Commissioning Group
- Airport surface access strategy 2012-2017 - London Luton Airport
- Corporate Plan 2014-2017 - Luton Borough Council
- Green Belt background paper - April 2016 - Luton Borough Council
- Green belt review, critical friend assessment, POS - November 2013
- London Luton Airport - revised masterplan - September 2012 - London Luton Airport Operations Limited
- Luton green belt study - September 2014 - David Hares Landscape Architecture
- Luton’s Joint Strategic Needs Assessment 2015 - Luton Borough Council and Luton Clinical Commissioning Group
- Noise action plan 2013-2018 - August 2014 - London Luton Airport
- Our vision for Luton in 2026 - Luton’s sustainable communities strategy - Luton Borough Council
- Overall approach background paper - April 2016 - Luton Borough Council
- Prospectus 2013 -2016 - Luton Borough Council
Evidence - New Local Plan
As new evidence is published as part of the new Local Plan preparation it will appear here. Please review these pages as the evidence is populated over time.
Evidence for the Adopted Local Plan 2011-2031
- East of England forecasting model 'Luton Run' - August 2012 - Oxford Economics
- Economy and employment background paper - April 2016 – Luton Borough Council
- EEFM special run for Luton Borough Council - May 2014 - Oxford Economics
- Employment land review study - Final report - March 2013 - Nathaniel Lichfield & Partners
- Food and drink - Summary report 2015 - SEMLEP
- High performance engineering - The South East Midlands Employment Guide - June 2015 - SEMLEP
- Innovation centres and enterprise science parks map - SEMLEP
- Letter from Lambert Smith Hampton re: employment land availability - August 2015
- Logistics report - 2014 - Skills for Logistics - SEMLEP
- Luton employment land review - 2015 Employment site assessments - October 2015 - Nathaniel Lichfield and Partners
- Luton Functional Economic Market Area Study - Presentation of emerging findings - 11 February 2016 - Nathaniel Lichfield and Partners
- SEMLEP Infrastructure Investment Plan FINAL
- SEMLEP logistics assets map 2014
- Strategic economic plan 2015-2020 - April 2014 - SEMLEP
- Strategic plan for arts, heritage, sports, visitor economy, cultural and creative industries - SEMLEP
- Universities mean business - An open door for business growth - Velocity
Evidence - New Local Plan
As new evidence is published as part of the new Local Plan preparation it will appear here. Please review these pages as the evidence is populated over time.
Evidence for the Adopted Local Plan 2011-2031
- Empty homes strategy - Improving and moving forward together - 2009 to 2014 - Luton Borough Council
- Gypsies and Travellers background paper - April 2016 - Luton Borough Council
- Gypsy and traveller and travelling showman accommodation needs assessment - 2015 - ORS
- Gypsy and traveller and travelling showman accommodation needs assessment – Addendum to 2015 Final Report – January 2016 - ORS
- Gypsy and travellers sites - Site identification study - September 2015 - Peter Brett Associates
- Housing background paper April 2016 - Luton Borough Council
- Housing Market Areas in Bedfordshire and surrounding areas
- Luton & Central Bedfordshire strategic housing market assessment 2015 - ORS
- Luton and Central Bedfordshire strategic housing market assessment refresh - 2014 - ORS
- Luton Borough Council affordable housing viability study - April 2013 - Three Dragons
- Luton private sector renewal strategy – 2010 to 2013 - Improving and moving forward - Luton Borough Council
- Luton's housing strategy 2019 to 2022
- Milton Keynes and South Midlands sub-regional strategy - March 2005 - Government offices for east of England - East Midlands and south east of England
Evidence - New Local Plan
As new evidence is published as part of the new Local Plan preparation it will appear here. Please review these pages as the evidence is populated over time.
Evidence for the Adopted Local Plan 2011-2031
- Centres background paper - April 2016 - Luton Borough Council
- Leisure study - July 2015 - White Young Green
- Leisure study executive study - July 2015 - White Young Green
- Luton Food Plan
- Luton hotel study - July 2015 - White Young Green
- Luton retail study executive summary update – 2015 - White Young Green
- Luton retail study update - July 2015 - White Young Green
- Luton town centre development framework - December 2004 - Luton Borough Council
- Luton town centre surveys – 2012 - BMG
- Review of town centre office business re-use study - May 2013 - Peter Brett Associates
Evidence - New Local Plan
As new evidence is published as part of the new Local Plan preparation it will appear here. Please review these pages as the evidence is populated over time.
Evidence for the Adopted Local Plan 2011-2031
- Indoor sports facilities strategy and action plan – 2015 to 2012 - Final strategy - January 2015 - Knight, Kavanagh and Page
- Luton playing pitch strategy - 2014 to 2021 - Knight, Kavanagh and Page (including developer contributions supplementary report)
- Schools capacity survey – 2015 - Luton Borough Council
Evidence - New Local Plan
As new evidence is published as part of the new Local Plan preparation it will appear here. Please review these pages as the evidence is populated over time.
Evidence for the Adopted Local Plan 2011-2031
Evidence - New Local Plan
As new evidence is published as part of the new Local Plan preparation it will appear here. Please review these pages as the evidence is populated over time.
Evidence for the Adopted Local Plan 2011-2031
- A green infrastructure plan for Luton - March 2015 - The Greensand Trust
- Archaeological assessment of strategic housing land availability assessment (SHLAA) and potential employment sites - October 2013 - Archaeology team, Central Bedfordshire Council
- Biodiversity Recording and Monitoring Centre (BRMC) for information on biodiversity in Luton and Bedfordshire
- Central Bedfordshire and Luton historic environment record and archaeology - Database maintained on behalf of both authorities (external link)
- Chilterns AONB management plan – 2019 to 2024 - A framework for action - The Chilterns Conservation Board
- Chilterns Building Design Guide, 2010, The Chilterns Conservation Board
- Greenspace strategy review - October 2015 - The Greensand Trust
- Landscape character assessment report - final
- Landscape character assessment - appendix 2, part 1
- Landscape character assessment - appendix 2, part 2
- Nature conservation strategy for Luton – 1992 - Luton Borough Council
- Plaiters’ Lea conservation area - Luton historic area assessment - June 2011 - English Heritage
- Proposed local landscape designations for Luton - June 2014 - The Greensand Trust
- Rebuilding biodiversity in Bedfordshire and Luton - Volume I - October 2006 - Bedfordshire and Luton Biodiversity Partnership
- The hat industry of Luton and its buildings - October 2013 - English Heritage
Evidence - New Local Plan
As new evidence is published as part of the new Local Plan preparation it will appear here. Please review these pages as the evidence is populated over time.
Evidence for the Adopted Local Plan 2011-2031
- Facilitating growth background paper - April 2016
- Luton development plan - Junction mitigation assessment - June 2015 - AECOM
- Luton Local Plan - 2015 Pre-submission transport evidence - April 2016
- Luton Local Plan junction assessment - technical note - July 2014 - AECOM Luton
- Luton Local Plan: Initial transport evidence base (SATURN Model) - November 2013
- Luton local transport plan 2011 to 2026 - March 2011 - Luton Borough Council
- Luton rights of way improvement plan: Luton's great outdoors - July 2008 - Catherine Bickmore Associates
- Parking and enforcement plan – 2013 - Luton Borough Council
- South East Midlands LEP transport strategy - March 2014
- Sustainable travel plan 2011 to 2015 - August 2011 - Luton Borough Council
Evidence - New Local Plan
As new evidence is published as part of the new Local Plan preparation it will appear here. Please review these pages as the evidence is populated over time.
Evidence for the Adopted Local Plan 2011-2031
- Carbon management plan - June 2010 - Luton Borough Council
- Level 1 strategic flood risk assessment - February 2013 - Capita Symonds
- Luton Borough Council - Sustainable planning policy review - August 2012 - Climate Consulting
- Luton local flood risk management strategy – 2015 - Luton Borough Council
- Luton strategic flood risk assessment maps - part 1 - Capita Symonds
- Luton strategic flood risk assessment maps - part 2 - Capita Symonds
- Luton water cycle strategy - September 2015 - Capita/AECOM
- Surface water management plan – 2012 - Luton Borough Council
- Level 1 strategic flood risk assessment: Table 11/1 - February 2013 - Capita Symonds
Evidence - New Local Plan
As new evidence is published as part of the new Local Plan preparation it will appear here. Please review these pages as the evidence is populated over time.
Authority Monitoring Reports (AMR)
Evidence for the Adopted Local Plan 2011-2031
- Implementing the Local Plan background paper – April 2016 – Luton Borough Council
- Infrastructure delivery plan - October 2015 - Luton Borough Council
- Local authority monitoring report 2015 - April 2016 - Luton Borough Council
- Local authority monitoring report 2017 - February 2018
- Local authority monitoring report 2017 to 2018 - May 2019
- Local authority monitoring report 2018/2019 to 2021/2022
- Local authority monitoring report 2022 - 2023
- Luton Local Plan: Viability assessment - executive summary - November 2013 - Nationwide CIL Service
- Monitoring report - December 2012 - Luton Borough Council
- Viability Study - October 2015 - Nationwide CIL Service
Evidence - New Local Plan
As new evidence is published as part of the new Local Plan preparation it will appear here. Please review these pages as the evidence is populated over time.