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Luton Borough Council

Luton 2040 consultations


Since September 2019, we have been engaging with partners and residents across the town to shape and co-produce the Luton 2040 vision.

Consultation has included workshops, online consultations and meetings with partners.  To continue developing and evolving, the vision consultations will take place on a regular basis for different aspects of the vision, ensuring everyone in Luton has a chance to contribute and ensure our ambition that no-one in Luton will be living in poverty by 2040.

Luton 2040 logo  

Current Luton 2040 consultations

Luton Employment and Skills Strategy 2022-2027

The council want to hear from partners to help shape the focus and content of the strategy to ensure it is truly reflective of local opportunities and challenges and deliver the best outcomes for people, businesses and communities in Luton, when launched in 2022.

The consultation closes on Friday 7 January 2022. 

Past consultations

Luton town centre masterplan consultation

The Luton town centre masterplan consultation ran from 23 October to 30 November 2020. 

The Luton 2020-2040 vision consultation

The Luton 2040 vision consultation ran from 20 July to 25 August 2020. This in-depth consultation involved residents and organisations in Luton and the surrounding areas through virtual consultation sessions and online surveys.

 The consultation received more than 200 responses from members of the public, 119 representations from representatives of organisations from the public, private and voluntary sectors. The findings were presented in the consultation report to the council’s executive the final vision document prepared.

Financial impact of coronavirus resident’s survey

The consultation ran from 8 July to 18 August 2020. We received 136 responses to the survey from residents, which also helped shape the Luton 2020 to 2040 vision. The findings continue to be analysed, and the results will appear here when completed.

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