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Luton Borough Council

Luton town centre masterplan


You've told us you want a better town centre for Luton. We want this too!

Luton town centre masterplan  

A bold new plan to ‘reimaging’ Luton town centre brings to life a vision and aspirations for the area

On 28 June 2021, our Executive approved the Luton Town Centre Masterplan Framework and this was further endorsed by Full Council on 13 July 2021.

Creating a vision, delivering change

This vision and masterplan will guide how the town centre can change over the next 20 to 30 years, to respond to the changes in how we live, socialise, shop, work and become more sustainable. The plan will be a vital part of the town’s economic recovery from COVID-19 and our long-term vision for Luton 2020 to 2040.

Taking its lead from the diversity, resilience and entrepreneurial spirit of Luton’s communities, and celebrating its rich heritage, the emerging vision of the town centre will reinstate itself as a focal point for community and commercial life in the town.

The centre will be the focus for a consolidated retail offer with an increased emphasis on independents, alongside the big operators that draw people to the centre. It will be a focus for community services, with doctor surgeries, education and community facilities catering for existing Luton residents and an increased town centre population.

Through an accessible mix of spaces and activities, the town centre will welcome all residents, visitors, businesses and investors into a clean and green environment. Changes will support health and well-being and actively address the climate and biodiversity emergency. A string of well-connected green spaces and improved streets through the town centre will provide moments for play and relaxation - spaces that are safe to enjoy and family friendly.

Creativity and local young talent will be nurtured and given a platform to shape the character of the town centre. Stronger partnerships between the university and local organisations will support a new generation of Luton-made businesses to start, grow and thrive, empowering Luton’s entrepreneurs, delivering genuine jobs and opportunities and helping towards a sustainable economic future for the town.


Long term, a masterplan will show how we can:

  • attract investment to support new jobs
  • improve Luton’s public spaces
  • take care of our heritage
  • provide new and affordable activities
  • ensure local people are proud to call it their own and people from outside the town love to come and visit

The masterplan is a culmination of 20 months’ work that involved over 1,700 consultation responses to ensure the vision and proposals respond to the desires of our residents.

The Stage 1 and Stage 2 consultation results are included in the downloads section at the bottom of this page.


The completion of the masterplan is a big milestone, but it is only the first milestone of a long journey. The energy, passion and skills of the council, key stakeholders and the public are critical to seeing the journey realised. We'll shortly be releasing details on how this journey will continue and how we can all feed into the delivery of the plan.

European Regional Development Fund Funding

In May 2021, we secured up to £958,201 match funding to enable us to open up the River Lea and install a pocket park on the old Silver Street car park. The park has been named Hat Gardens and is now open for the public to enjoy.

Further information can be found at the Open Lea Project.

Levelling Up Funding

On 27 October 2021, the government approved Luton’s bid for Levelling Up Funding. Luton will receive £20 million in funding to develop the stage, a mixed-use development on an existing brownfield site at Bute Street, to provide new homes, high quality workspace, community space, a new cycle hub and improved public realm. The stage will be a catalyst for unlocking further investment and regeneration as we deliver our new Town Centre Masterplan.

The Stage project public consultation was held in 2023.

Luton Town Centre masterplan strategic viability assessment

Please note: an accessible version of the Luton Town Centre masterplan strategic viability assessment will be available on this webpage soon.


© 2025 Luton Council, Town Hall, Luton LU1 2BQ