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Luton Borough Council

Knowledge test

Knowledge test bookings - please read

We strongly advise all applicants to read and become familiar with our Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Licensing policy. Once you’re in a position to apply for a driver licence, you’re expected to meet the requirements of our policy to hold such a licence, including the conviction and fitness policy.

Please note - important changes to knowledge tests

All knowledge tests will now be carried out in person in the Town Hall only from February 2023.

Important applicant information

In recent months, it’s come to our attention that applicants may have other people completing their application on their behalf, rather than complete their application themselves.

We strongly advise against this as you’ll still be the person responsible for the application and any supporting information and documents. Any errors, omissions and / or missed information from your application could, as a result:

  • deem your application incomplete to be processed
  • cause significant delays in your request to be a licence holder

The applicant for whom the application relates to must complete the form themselves, as they are the person accountable for the information and supporting information in which they are supplying as a true and accurate application.

Knowledge test information

There are three knowledge tests:

Test 1 – Private Hire

Test 2 – Hackney Carriage – if you wish to apply for a Dual Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Driver’s Licence, please book the Hackney Carriage Test

There are five categories within the test (Places, Journeys, Conditions, Numeracy and Highway Code)

  • 30 minutes allocated for PH and HC test
  • 26 multiple choice questions and the applicant must select the correct answer for each

Test 3 – Hackney Carriage Airport

Please note:

  • These tests are being held in person at the Town Hall, Luton on Tuesdays (days may be changed due to service demand). These are electronic tests where you will be required to use a laptop which will be provided on the day by the Licensing Service.
  • You will be required to present your photographic DVLA photo-card or passport where a DVLA photo-card is not held

Private hire/hackney carriage and or dual knowledge test request

Applicants are required to pass a knowledge test before submitting a driver’s application.

We strongly advise you take the time to read our hackney carriage and private hire licensing policy prior to submitting any form of application.

Private Hire and Hackney Carriage knowledge tests are carried out on computer and include questions from the following categories:

  • Highway Code
  • numeracy
  • driver and vehicle conditions
  • streets
  • places and routes

Hackney carriage airport knowledge test request

The test has eight questions and is multiple choice. Each question will start from London Luton Airport and will be to towns or cities within a 100 mile radius of the airport.

For the purposes of this test you will be asked to follow the route which has been selected including the mileage and select one correct answer per question which should be the final location the route has taken you to.

You will have 20 minutes in order to complete the test and must get a minimum of six questions correct to pass the test.

Booking your knowledge test

To book a knowledge test, please:

  • complete the knowledge test application form
  • upload a copy of your driving licence which you have held for at least 12 months and your passport if you have the old style driving licence that doesn't have a photo id
  • pay the knowledge test fee

Apply for a knowledge test

Rebooking your knowledge test

To rebook a knowledge test, please:

  • complete the rebook a knowledge test application form
  • provide the reference number of your original knowledge test application
  • pay the knowledge test rebooking fee

Apply to rebook a knowledge test

After submitting your form, you will be contacted by a member of our Licensing team to complete the booking process.

Please note:

  • if you fail a knowledge test you are required to pay a further test fee for any additional tests
  • all applications are non-refundable


© 2025 Luton Council, Town Hall, Luton LU1 2BQ