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Luton Borough Council

Help with housing or homelessness


We can't offer a house to everyone who approaches us with a housing problem. However, if you think you will become homeless, we will work with you to try to stop this from happening.

You should not move out of your home if you have nowhere else safe to go to, even if you're given a notice from your landlord or agent.

Please select the option that describes why you're homeless, or at risk of being homeless, to find out what else we can do to help you.

You can also ask for assistance online via our housing advice form.

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If you are worried about someone you’ve seen sleeping rough in Luton, you can alert Streetlink by downloading the Streetlink app or visit the Streetlink website.

The website or app can be used by anyone to log details of where someone is seen sleeping rough. The information will be sent to our outreach team who will respond the same or next day.

Emergency winter night shelter

Noah provides an emergency night shelter in winter.

Discretionary housing payments provide extra help to customers who are already getting housing benefit or the rent element of Universal Credit and need further help with housing costs.

This is usually because there is a shortfall between the amount of benefit they get and their rent.

We receive some money from the government each year to spend on discretionary housing payments but there is a limit on the amount we can spend. This means that not everyone who claims will be awarded this extra help.

To qualify for discretionary housing payments, you have to meet certain conditions:

  • you must be receiving some housing benefit or universal credit that includes a housing element towards rental liability
  • there must be a shortfall between the amount of benefit you get and your rent
  • you must be able to show that you need extra help to meet your housing costs

Find out more about discretionary housing payments

If you’re a homeowner on qualifying benefits, you might be able to get help towards interest payments on your mortgage or loans you’ve taken out for certain repairs and improvements to your home.

Check if you’re eligible for Support for Mortgage Interest (SMI)

Useful links

  • Penrose: offers advice on homelessness, mental health issues and more.
  • Noah Enterprise: support for people struggling against homelessness and exclusion.
  • Signposts: provides residential and support services if you're unable to find suitable accommodation.
  • Mary Seacole Housing Association: supported accommodation to single homeless people in Luton.
  • Citizens Advice Luton: free advice on a range of issues including benefits, consumer problems, employment issues, housing problems, legal issues, debt advice, relationship, family and personal problems as well as tax and utility related topics.
  • Shelter: a national housing and homeless charity that can provide advice and assistance on all housing issues.

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