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Luton Borough Council

03/10/2023 - Tell us your views on the accessibility and locations of our polling stations

Luton Council is conducting a review of its polling districts and polling stations for use at local and national elections.

We would welcome the views of electors, local residents (in particular residents with disabilities) and all other interested parties.

The consultation period runs from Mon 2 Oct 2023 to Tue 31 Oct 2023.
Further information is available on the consultation portal on the Council’s website.

It's not always easy to identify the perfect site for a polling station.

Ideally each one should have
  • disabled access and disabled parking
  • adequate lighting at night
  • even surfaces
  • parking for staff
  • parking for electors
Through holding this consultation we hope to locate places that meet the required criteria wherever possible.

Chief Returning Officer, Robin Porter, said: “For democracy to work it is vital that everyone who has the right to vote should be able to do so with minimum fuss. The aim of this consultation is to make it as easy as possible for each individual to have their say – irrespective of who they are.

“By letting us know your views on the location and suitability of our polling stations we can ensure the heart of democracy continues to beat loudly and strongly here in Luton.”

Complete the consultation now.
© 2024 Luton Council, Town Hall, Luton LU1 2BQ