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Luton Borough Council

25/06/2024 - National Highways and Transport Survey 2024 – a voice for residents

Local people are being asked for their views on highways and transport services – from the condition of roads and footpaths to the quality of cycling facilities.

Luton is one of many Local Authorities to sign up to a public satisfaction survey run by The National Highways and Transport Network, that asks members of the public the same questions across all regions. There are seven themed surveys available to fill in and people can complete the areas they feel are relevant to them. Answers will be compared with the views of other members of the public across England and Scotland.

The questionnaire will be sent to a random sample of at least 3,300 of Luton’s residents, with local and national results to be published later this year. Since the survey is based on a sample, residents who have received a copy are being urged to take part. They can complete the survey online if they prefer, a short URL link will be printed on the front of the questionnaire.

Anyone can complete the survey though even if they don’t receive a paper version by completing it online on the Luton Let’s Talk portal on the council’s website. 

Gerard McCleave, Corporate Director for Inclusive Economy, said: “There are real benefits to conducting a public survey in this way as it helps us understand people’s views on areas such as highways maintenance, road safety and public transport. 

“The results will enable us to find out what people think about these important services and gives them an opportunity to say which highways and transport services they think the council should prioritise for improvement”.

Last year’s survey results and more information available via the NHT website.
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