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Luton Borough Council

16/06/2023 - Last chance to give your views and participate in the examination of Luton Rising's application to grow our airport

Local residents and other interested parties have just one week left to make their Relevant Representation on the proposed expansion of London Luton Airport.

Luton Rising’s submission to grow London Luton Airport has been accepted by the Planning Inspectorate (PINS), which means that people now have the opportunity to let them know their thoughts on this vital initiative for Luton.

They can make what is called a ‘Relevant Representation’ about the application. By doing so, they will also become an ‘Interested Party’ and have the right to attend the public examination of our proposals, expected to begin later this year. They will also be kept up to date with the progress of the examination and will be notified of the final decision made by the Secretary of State.

Relevant Representations must be received by the Planning Inspectorate by 23:59hrs on Friday 23 June 2023.

On top of the 16,800 jobs currently supported by the airport, its expansion is projected to create an additional 10,500 jobs. Growing it will also add another £1bn to the local economy, as well as delivering more funds to support the most vulnerable local residents. Indeed, London Luton Airport is the UK’s most socially impactful airport with 53p for every passenger invested locally – a total £500m for front-line services and charities since 1998.

Crucially, in line with Luton’s 2040 vision of a carbon-neutral town, the benefits from the airport’s expansion will not come at the expense of the planet and people's quality of life. Luton Rising has a unique framework called Green Controlled Growth, which will have some of the most stringent constraints on growth, linked to environmental impacts, of any UK airport and be written into law.

Councillor Javeria Hussain, Chair of Luton Rising, said: “The expansion of our airport is crucial to our communities, both in terms of jobs created and the vital contribution the airport makes to local services and community organisations. I urge local residents to get involved in making their voice heard before time runs out.”

Nick Prowse, Interim Managing Director of Luton Rising said: “Whether you are for or against our proposals, don't miss this chance to be part of the examination process. By making a Relevant Representation before the 23 June deadline, you can make sure that your views are taken into consideration.”

Full details of how to make a Relevant Representation can be found at

Please follow the above link for a step-by-step guide on making a relevant representation.

Please note that local councillors and representatives from Luton Rising will also be available to answer questions in The Mall between 10am and 6pm on Tuesday 20 June.
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