18/10/2022 - Investment in Luton’s roads delivers results
Luton Council has completed its annual programme of road improvements across the town, which were conducted over the summer months.
Resurfacing and treatment of 61 roads in Luton was the primary focus of the programme, including the repair of potholes and patching up of roads.
These improvements were conducted on Cardiff Road, Stuart Street, Park Viaduct, Whipperley Ring, Whipperley Way, New Bedford and Old Bedford Roads, Bushmead Road, High Town Road, Runley Road and many other residential roads.
The vast majority of these improvements were undertaken during the summer holidays when the roads were quieter to minimise disruption.
Leader of Luton Council, Councillor Hazel Simmons MBE, said “Residents have regularly told us that improving the condition of Luton’s roads is a top priority. We have listened and taken action. The additional investment this year will hopefully mean less potholes over the winter months.”
“If we are to improve the condition of the roads and prevent potholes in the future, such roadworks are necessary to protect the safety of the public and the workforce who carry out the improvements. We would like to thank the travelling public for their patience throughout the affected period.”
If you see a pothole, please report it by visiting www.luton.gov.uk/report or calling 01582 510333.
For more information, please visit our potholes page.