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Luton Borough Council

21/02/2024 - Independent members appointed to council's audit and governance committee

Helen King and Niaz Chowdhury have recently been appointed to the council’s audit and governance committee.

Both are entirely independent of the council and bring an important external aspect to this important body.

The audit and governance committee provides assurance of the various factors related to the finances of the council.

At a time when, as a result of a lack of funding from central government, many councils are facing unenviable challenges to their ability to provide services, the role of this group is more vital than ever.

Both Helen and Niaz bring a wide range of relevant experiences that will prove invaluable and provide the sort of technical expertise that will be an asset to the committee.

Helen currently holds the position of Chief Finance and S151 Officer for the Northamptonshire Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner, a role she also occupied in Leicester. In a career spanning over 30 years she has worked extensively in the public sector equipping her for the role of scrutinising the use of public funds.

Niaz has a background in audit, having worked as a senior auditor for the Department of Business and trade. He has also worked in local government at the Borough of Redbridge as well as occupying similar roles in the private sector. He also brings significant experience of having worked in an international environment having spent a substantial part of his career working in Asia.

Councillor Jacqui Burnett, Chair of the Audit and Governance Committee, said: “I am delighted that Helen and Niaz have agreed to sit on the committee and been ratified by the Full Council.

“Transparency is a vital component of any institution that makes use of public funds and to have these two independent individuals will provide an extra level of assurance regarding the financial management of the council.

“We are pleased that two individuals with high-level financial backgrounds will be joining the committee. The people of Luton deserve to be served by high calibre expertise as we ensure that in all things, the council utilises public funds, in the best, most efficient way for residents.”

The committee scrutinises the risk management framework of the council and the associated control environment. It provides independent scrutiny of the authority’s financial and non-financial performance to the extent that it affects the authority’s exposure to risk and impacts on the control environment. It also oversees the financial reporting process of approving the council’s statement of accounts.
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