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Luton Borough Council

06/07/2023 - Councils approach to tackling health inequalities receives recognition

Luton was ‘Highly Commended’ at the MJ Achievement Awards 2023 recently for its whole-council approach to tackling health inequalities.

Luton was ‘Highly Commended’ at the MJ Achievement Awards 2023 recently for its whole-council approach to tackling health inequalities.

Our town-wide 2040 vision, ensures we place the health and wellbeing of our population and addressing the inequalities is at the heart of the council’s strategic direction. It demonstrates our commitment to supporting the wellbeing of our residents ensuring that they are all able to work, study and maximise the opportunities available to enjoy a good standard of living.

As part of this commitment we are working with The Institute of Health Equity (IHE) to become the first ‘Marmot Town’, building on the recommendations of Professor Sir Michael Marmot and the IHE to reduce avoidable health inequalities.

The implementation of the Marmot recommendations is being led by the council’s public health team, in close collaboration with partners across the voluntary, community, faith and social enterprise and private sectors, healthcare, and other public services.

There are eight policy objectives from the Marmot approach which are built into the council strategies, these are:

  1. give every child the best start in life
  2. enable all children, young people and adults to maximise their capabilities and have control over their lives
  3. create fair employment and good work for all
  4. ensure a healthy standard of living for all
  5. create and develop healthy and sustainable places and communities
  6. strengthen the role and impact of ill-health prevention
  7. tackle discrimination, racism and their outcomes
  8. pursue environmental sustainability and health equity together

Councillor Khtija Malik, Portfolio holder with responsibility for public health, said: “We were delighted to receive recognition for the work we and our partners are doing to tackle the unfair and avoidable health differences across Luton’s population.

“It’s a stark reality that life expectancy in Luton is lower than the England average and preventable deaths are higher as well as high levels of poverty.

“Working with The Institute of Health Equity the Marmot Town concept has provided additional clarity and focus on how we can tackle health inequalities, by building on existing strategies to ultimately achieve the goals set out in our 2040 vision, which aims to provide the right opportunities so that everyone in Luton can thrive.”

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