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Luton Borough Council

13/09/2023 - Apply for help from Luton's citizen fund

Groups and organisations could get grants of up to £4,000 from the Luton Citizens' Fund.

Local groups running projects or services for communities in Luton can now apply for grants of up to £4,000 each from Luton Council and Luton Rising for projects that will benefit local people. The scheme was announced at a showcase event in Luton where grassroots groups came together to share details and celebrate the 43 community projects that received funding in 2022-2023.

The money is for projects which aim to improve at least one of the below in Luton:

  • progress towards equality, social inclusion and diversity
  • health inequalities
  • work and skills
  • the lives of children and young people, or tackling serious youth violence
  • the environment and/or work towards net zero carbon emissions

Councillor Hazel Simmons MBE, leader of Luton Council, said: “Voluntary groups and projects are incredibly valuable in building strong and inclusive communities. The Luton Citizen’s Fund is a great way of involving people in creating and delivering projects that benefit and are valued by the local community.

“Last year the Citizens’ Fund supported 43 new grassroots projects across Luton working and supporting residents to promote a town built on fairness or social justice, improving health inequalities; improving the lives of children and young people and working towards carbon net zero.

"I am delighted that we are able to repeat this initiative again this year and look forward to seeing the exciting new ideas that I know will be put forward.”

Projects must take place in Luton and be run by not-for-profit organisations in the town, and organisations serving communities experiencing racial inequity, that are led by members of those communities will be fast tracked

Suggested projects will go to Bedfordshire and Luton Community Foundation, Luton Council and a panel of local volunteers who will shortlist applications.  Shortlisted groups will then be invited to a public gathering to give a short informal talk about their project and members of the public will rate each project and decide where funds are allocated.

To find out more email [email protected] and to apply visit Beds and Luton Community Foundation website. Applications open on 13 September 2023.

This participatory budgeting fund is managed by the Bedfordshire and Luton Community Foundation, and is funded by Luton Council and Luton Rising.
© 2025 Luton Council, Town Hall, Luton LU1 2BQ