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Luton Borough Council

Bus lane enforcement


The aim of enforcement is to give priority to certain groups of road users by excluding others during prescribed hours

Bus lane enforcement is part of a wide ranging programme of measures to improve the reliability and punctuality of public transport, reduce congestion and pollution.

Keeping bus lanes free will reduce delays and keep traffic moving through the borough, enabling buses to run to a more accurate time scale. This will encourage commuters to be more environmentally friendly and use public transport.

This is not a profit making exercise for the council. We are expecting prohibited bus lane use to reduce quickly over time.

How are bus lanes in Luton enforced?

By using an approved closed circuit television system (CCTV), either a council officer records vehicles entering the bus lanes or at certain locations, the images are captured automatically (but these still have to be checked by a council officer).

A second council officer watches the images, verifying the following information:

  • location (or camera reference number) of alleged contravention
  • date, time in hours and minutes and video frame number
  • vehicle registration number
  • make, model and colour of the vehicle

This information is used to obtain the name and address of the registered keeper from the DVLA. A penalty charge notice will be sent to the registered keeper along with a still image of the vehicle in the bus lane. This charge will be reduced by 50% if paid within 14 days.

More information on tickets and appeals

Contact info
Parking Services
Luton Borough Council, Town Hall, Luton, LU1 2BQ

[email protected]


© 2025 Luton Council, Town Hall, Luton LU1 2BQ