Luton Borough Council
Call us
Lines are open:
- Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday - 9am to 5pm
- Wednesday - 10am to 5pm
You can call us on the numbers below:
- Adult social care - 01582 547659 - open from 9am on Wednesday
- Building Control – 01582 546607
- Children's social care - 01582 547653
- Council tax hotline - 01582 510342
- Environmental services - 01582 510330
- Family information services - 01582 548888
- Highways - 01582 510333- open from 9am on Wednesday
- Housing Benefit and Council Tax Reduction - 01582 546050
- Housing services - 01582 546620
- Parks and street services - 01582 510333
- Payments - 0300 456 2725 - 24 hour payment line
- Registration services - 01582 510386 - open from 9am on Wednesday
- Switchboard - 01582 546000
Please note: all calls are recorded for staff training and monitoring purposes.
Emergency contacts
© 2025 Luton Council, Town Hall, Luton LU1 2BQ