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Luton Borough Council

Report antisocial behaviour


Council housing tenants

The Crime and Disorder Act 1998 defines antisocial behaviour as acting in a manner that has “caused or likely to cause harassment, alarm or distress to one or more persons not of the same household” as the perpetrator.

Antisocial behaviour legislation

The Home Office published statutory guidance in July 2014 to support the effective use of new powers to tackle antisocial behaviour that were introduced through the Antisocial Behaviour Crime and Policing Action 2014, updated August 2019.

The Seven tools and powers under Antisocial Behaviour Crime and Policing Act 2014

  1. Civil Injunction
  2. Criminal Behaviour Order
  3. Dispersal Power
  4. Community Protection Notice
  5. Public Space Protection Order
  6. Closure Power
  7. Absolute ground for possession

Community trigger

This gives victims of persistent antisocial behaviour the ability to demand a formal case review where the locally defined threshold is met, in order to determine whether there is further action that can be taken. The relevant bodies in the local area must agree on, and publish their case review/community trigger procedures.

Community remedy

This gives victims a say in the out of court punishment of perpetrators of antisocial behaviour when a community resolution, conditional caution or youth conditional caution is chosen as the most appropriate response.

Reporting antisocial behaviour

As a council tenant, you can report antisocial behaviour in the following way. All ASB complaints should be reported directly to your tenancy officer, temporary accommodation officer or sheltered housing officer on their individual mobile numbers. If you are unable to get through then you can call the council’s switchboard on 01582 547304 where a message can be left and passed onto the relevant person.

You can report behaviour such as:

  • neighbour disputes
  • parking
  • graffiti, vandalism, damage to property
  • untidy gardens
  • verbal and physical abuse
  • animals not been kept under control
  • harassment including incidents based on race, gender, religion, disability, sexual orientation
  • noise nuisance – these complaints are dealt with by the Environmental Protection team on 01582 510333 

Luton Council have three specialist antisocial behaviour officers, who deal with high level antisocial behaviour for council tenants and council leaseholders. Anti social behaviour for private owners or private tenants should contact the investigations hub. You can also report online by clicking below link.

Reporting crime or anti-social behaviour

Criminal activity should be reported to the police on 101 or in emergency 999. Housing association tenants should contact their housing provider.

Who to contact

Private owners and private tenants contact

01582 510333

Luton council tenant and council leaseholders contact

Your tenancy officer on 01582 547304 or email [email protected] giving details of your address.

Specialist ASB officers are:

  1. Anti Social Behaviour Officer (Marsh Farm/Lewsey Farm and Hockwell Ring)
    Anita McArthur
    T: 07768487722
  2. Anti Social Behaviour Officer (Farley Hill and Stopsley)
    Rebecca Addlesee
    T: 07900 133094
  3. Anti Social Behaviour Officer (High Town and Town Centre) 
    Brooke McArthur
    T: 07714 845218

 You can report behaviour such as:

  • domestic abuse
  • serious youth violence
  • gang activities/county lines
  • cuckooing/sexual exploitation/child exploitation
  • serious threatening behaviour
  • hate crime incidents
  • honour base violence/abuse

All criminal antisocial behaviour should be reported to the police on 999 in an emergency or 101 non-emergency cases.

© 2025 Luton Council, Town Hall, Luton LU1 2BQ