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Luton Borough Council

Marsh Farm high rise regeneration questions and answers

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We've gathered the answers to the questions you've asked us. Your questions and comments are below, with the most recent at the top.

If there are any questions we haven't yet answered, please get in touch. Details are at the bottom of the page.

Your questions and our answers

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Unfortunately, the nature of the works means it will be noisy, but we will try to keep the noise for as short a period as possible.

The system we're using is a solid aluminium panel system, the rockwool insulation. We're doubling up on the fire breaks between each property, so it's being applied around the windows as well as all floors and party walls.

The system make up was tested by the Beds Fire Service in a storey rig. Please see here for more information.

The heatsava ventilation system will be installed in every flat as part of this project. The sprinkler will be installed separately outside of this contract by a different contractor and we will inform you when that happens.

The sprinkler mist system will be installed in individual flats. See an example of the system here.

The works for each block may take around 18 months to complete. We'll also be doing some work internally related to this project such as installing:

  • new energy saving light fittings
  • heat recovery ventilation systems

I'd like to know how long the works will take to complete, as Marsh Farm blocks took years!

Response: The works for each block may take around 18 months to complete. We'll also be doing some work internally related to this project such as installing:

  • new energy saving light fittings
  • heat recovery ventilation systems

Unfortunately the work to the pilot scheme in Marsh Farm took longer than expected due to the unfortunate events of Grenfell and the recent Covid pandemic. But measures have been put in place to mitigate these delays.

The works for each block may take around 18 months to complete. Unfortunately, the nature of the works means it will be noisy, but we'll try to keep the noise for as short a period as possible.

Will we keep the netting outside? How long will it take to complete? How fire proof is this new cladding? Is it guaranteed a 100%? Will we have this in writing and where is it from? Some concerns about how much our rents will go up to pay for this. If at all possible not to have the green it makes us feel sick to look at on the survey.

Response: Yes the netting will be reinstated after the works. The system we are using is a solid aluminium panel system, the rockwool insulation. We're doubling up on the fire breaks between each property, so its being applied around the windows as well as all floors and party walls.

The system make up was tested by the Beds Fire Service in a 3 storey rig. An independent report has also been written to confirm the fire safety of the system. See more information on fire safety.

The rents do not go up as a result of specific improvements. The colour will be whatever the majority of the residents has chosen.

The system we're using is a solid aluminium panels, the rockwool insulation. We're doubling up on the fire breaks between each property, so its being applied around the windows as well as all floors and party walls.

The system make up was tested by the Beds Fire Service in a three storey rig. An independent report has also been written to confirm the fire safety of the system. See more information on fire safety.

I thought the building walls had been insulated a few years ago?

Response: The cost to leaseholders will be communicated by our Leaseholder Office in due course. Only the brick faced walls were insulated, not the whole building.

This is a personal choice.

Especially the blue used at Penhill which we have been to see. We'd like to know the justification for requiring us to spend a presumably large sum of money. Who made the decision? Were leaseholders consulted? What will it cost us?

Response: All leaseholders have been consulted. The cost to leaseholders will be communicated by our Leaseholder Office in due course. The improvement and planned maintenance works are discussed and agreed as part of the councils long term business plan.

What is the technical and legal requirement for it? What is the cost of it? Why add cladding now, when cladding systems have been so widely discredited?

Response: All leaseholders have been consulted. The cost to leaseholders will be communicated by our Leaseholder Office in due course. The improvement and planned maintenance works are discussed and agreed as part of the councils long term business plan.

I am sure residents will have a peace of mind once these have been installed.I do understand that only two blocks are being done for the moment, this makes me ask the following:

  • would it not be more fair or convenient to have them all done at the same time?
  • will you go around the last block to tell why work is not taking place there

Response: Work will begin on Five Springs after Penhill and Leabank. We're busy working behind the scenes on this project while the first two blocks are still in construction phase.

We ensure all contractors have the right insurances. Engie, the contractor carrying out this work, has the necessary insurances in place.

The works will not affect residents’ contents or belongings.

Nice to know we are having sprinklers etc. Just worry that rents will rocket!

Response: Rest assured, this project is being financed by the existing Housing Revenue Account – funded by tenants’ rent – and some help from an external project fund.

I think it may be a good idea if Luton Council could produce a short information video and put in on YouTube or social media with the core explanations of what residents will expect.

I came here quite concerned about the cladding because of the fire in Grenfell London, but the contractors and fire brigade have worked together to make sure everything is so safe, Bravo.

Response: We'll see what we can do, but in the meantime do refer back to this page for further reading on all our new features and partners.

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Your comments

"Looking forward to new nice modern courts."

"Need this to brighten the area up."

"It's great that old blocks will get a new life and finally will be warm."

"I believe grey will make the are look modern and cleans and tidy and in keeping with all new decorations."

"If you can do purple can you please."

"If you have purple please do that instead."

"I am happy about the project being undertaken of my block of flats."

"I like the look of the original brick work and it's a shame that the look of the blocks will change so drastically. Also I am a private tenant and I'm worried about the cost and being able to afford it."

"Grey is a much nicer choice for the area, will uplift the area."

"The existing view is better than the proposed views. I am also hopping that the new cladding will not be worse or just the same as the current one."

"I like the grey the best for area."

"Grey is a better choice more modern look"

"Grey is my vote. Best colour, very modern."

"It’s good to see what is happening."

"I am really pleased with the whole project, especially the concepts in place. The cladding is safe because it’s made out of rocks and rocks don’t burn.

"I’m really glad I took the time to come and see this for myself. I can fall into the stereotype of just relying on gossip I hear other people say.

However, often they are facts with a twist on their own opinion. By coming today I feel confident on knowing exactly what is happening and how it is going to happen. Not just that but I know why too. Thank you."I wasn’t planning on coming. I have not been to previous meetings. I hope more people, like me, eventually get more on board with these."

"I was very impressed, and reassured, especially with the fire service giving their backing. It looks like it’s going to be a good job when it is finished."

"I have already had good replies to my questions."

"Hope it is a success."

"The event was well laid out and very informative."

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Get in touch

If you have queries or concerns, please contact our Housing team. Call Abdul Kahir on 01582 546208 or Jamie Wildman on 01582 546891 with any questions.

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