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Luton Borough Council

Luton a Marmot Town – one year on event 14 December 2023


Reducing health inequalities in Luton : A Marmot Town banner

Approximately 80 people from Luton organisations, partners and stakeholders came together in Luton on 14 December 2023 at Venue 360.

At the event we celebrated and shared our learning about our journey over the last year about reducing health inequalities, since launching Luton as the first Marmot Town.

A Marmot place is one which has a significant commitment to tackle health inequalities through action on the social determinants of health - the social and economic conditions which shape our health - and has strong and effective plans and policies to achieve these reductions in health inequalities. 

Contact us

Please note that we have a new email address for all your queries: [email protected]. We'd like to hear about your projects that make a difference - to show and share.

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