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Luton Borough Council

About Luton Family Information Service

We can provide information about childcare, childcare careers, family services, activities for children & young people, help with the cost of childcare and much more.

For any parent, finding childcare for their child or seeking out a suitable nursery place can be a worrying experience. Luton’s Family Information Service (FIS) can help parents with these important decisions by providing information, advice and support, allowing them to decide on the best type of childcare according to their particular need.
Choices range from childminders to pre schools to full time nursery. In addition parents can also obtain information about school holiday playschemes, before and after school clubs.

Information officers also provide valuable information about how to get help towards the cost of childcare, which includes information on Working Tax Credits, Child Tax Credits and Nursery Education Funding.
Information Officers at Luton FIS provide approved guidance to parents allowing them to decide on the best type of childcare according to their particular need.

Childcare careers
If you are looking for a career in childcare, Luton FIS can provide details of how to obtain training to work with children or how to become a childminder, directing callers to the relevant teams to take things further. Information Officers will also be able to provide details of vacancies within childcare settings in Luton.

Luton Directory
Luton FIS has a Family Directory containing the details of many organisations that families may find useful. The directory allows users to access information about a wide range of services, gives users the option to search for an organisation to meet a particular need.

When you speak to a FIS Officer, you will get: 

  • the most up-to-date information provided by Ofsted
  • commitment to impartiality 
  • commitment to confidentiality
  • compliance with Data Protection requirements

Contact Luton Family Information Service on 54 88 88 or email [email protected]
Luton Family Information Service is open; Monday to Wednesday from 8.45am to 5.15pm and on Friday from 8.45am to 4.30pm. Due to staff training the service is usually closed on Thursdays.

There is an answer machine service for calls outside of these hours. Please leave a name and number and a FIS officer will get back to you.

Contact info
Luton Family Information Service (FIS)
Luton Council, Town Hall, Luton, LU1 2BQ
Tel: 01582 548888

[email protected]


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