Find childminders in Luton and learn how to access free childminder places.
Registered childminders provide high quality home-based childcare, play and learning within the local community.
All childminders have to promote learning through play by working towards the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum.
What do childminders offer?
Depending on the conditions of registration, childminders may be able to provide the following:
- care for children from babies to 16 years old
- overnight care or unsociable hours
- emergency care
- home childminding
- collection or drop off at a nursery setting or school
What are Ofsted inspected childminders checked for?
- Welfare and safeguarding of the children
- Qualifications and training – including Local Authority Childminder Training, First Aid etc.
- Suitability of childcare providers – including Disclosure & Barring Service (DBS) checks
- Suitability of premises and equipment
- Procedures and record keeping
- Insurance
Free childminder places
From the term after their third birthday, some 2 year olds and all three and four year olds in Luton are entitled to 15 hours of free early learning and childcare. These 15 hours can be used with some childminders in Luton, providing they meet the criteria. For a list of these childminders please contact Luton Family Information Service.
Find out more about free childcare
Childminders in Luton
Find childminders in Luton in our Family Directory.
Personalised childcare information
Get a list of childcare providers tailored to your individual needs from Luton Family Information Service.
Luton Council, Town Hall, Luton, LU1 2BQ
Tel: 01582 548888
[email protected]