Buses, parking and transport for carers
If you care for someone who qualifies for free transport services in Luton, you may be able to travel with them for free.
There are many schemes in Luton which can make travelling easier for people who find it hard to do because of a disability or because they are elderly.
If you need to go with the person you care for, because they can’t go on their own, it can become expensive for you.
Many of Luton’s travel schemes allow carers to travel for free when they are with the person they care for.
Blue Badge
The Blue Badge Scheme gives people with a disability access to a wide range of free parking spaces, making it easier to park near the places they want to visit.
A Blue Badge is issued to the person with a disability, not to the car. So, as long as they are in the car then their Blue Badge can be used.
It doesn’t matter if they are the driver or a passenger, or if it is their own car or someone else’s.
The person applying for the badge must qualify before it will be issued.
Follow this link to find out more about Blue Badges
If the person you care for receives the higher rate of the mobility component of Disability Living Allowance or the War Pensioner’s Mobility Supplement, then they will be able to exchange this payment for a lease car or scooter on the Motability Scheme.
It is possible to name up to three drivers of a Motability car.
Follow this link to find out more about Motability
If the person you care for is over 60, or has a Blue Badge (or qualifies for one) they can get a Smartcard.
This will let them travel on buses in Dunstable, Luton and Houghton Regis for free at any time. It also gives free travel on other buses round the country at certain times.
If you are a carer of someone with a Smartcard you can travel for free with them as long as a medical practitioner provides proof that they cannot travel alone.
For more information about Smartcards please contact:
Central Depot, Kingsway, Luton, Beds, LU4 8AU
Tel: 01582 547219
Fax: 01582 547351
[email protected]