Flooding advice
Residents and businesses are advised to assess their flood risk, and to check the Environment Agency website for flood warnings and to register for flood alerts.
You can also call the 24-hour Floodline on 0845 988 1188 or 0345 988 1188, and additionally keep up to date on social media @envagencyse, #floodaware.
For the latest news about local flooding, listen to local radio and check the websites of Highways England and Bedfordshire Police.
Luton Borough Council will assist the Environment Agency when flood warnings are issued and, at times of emergency, will help to protect the public at large.
Flooding on roads
To report flooding, blocked gullies and broken or collapsed manhole covers on roads in Luton, please contact the Council’s highways services section on 01582 510333.
Mon-Fri, 8am-6pm
Wed, 10am-6pm
Outside these times contact 0300 7900346.
Please note: additional call charge per minute plus your phone company’s access charge.
If there is deep standing water across the carriageway we will respond as soon as possible.
Luton Borough Council is responsible for drainage of most roads in Luton, however the Highways Agency is responsible for drainage on the M1. You can report a problem on the motorway via the Highways England website. There are also some roads which are the responsibility of developers or private owners, drainage issues on these roads are likely to be the owner’s responsibility.
For further information about flooding from rivers and other watercourses, as well as public and private sewers and drains, or from burst water mains or pipes, visit flooding (drains and gullies).
Is your property at serious risk of flooding?
If there is imminent risk to life or injury, please call the Fire Service on 999.
Provision of sandbags
The Council cannot provide sandbags. If your home is at a high risk of flooding, for example as a result of being in close proximity to a watercourse, we recommend you get sandbags from a builders' merchant as a precaution.
Take care on the roads
Hitting standing water, even at low speeds, can cause accidents. Motorists should be aware that during or immediately after heavy rain they should drive with care in case of water on the road. Stay safe and avoid driving through flood water. Never drive through flood water that you would not walk through. Drive slowly and test your brakes on the other side.
Luton Borough Council, Town Hall, George Street, Luton, Bedfordshire, LU1 2BQ
Tel: 01582 546071
Fax: 01582 547058
[email protected]