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Luton Borough Council

Flooding (drains and gullies)

If you see a flood on a road, who you report it to will depend on whose responsibility it is to deal with it

To report flooding please call 01582 510333
Mon-Fri, 8am to 6pm
Wed, 10am-6pm

Flooding from public sewers

Luton is served by two different sewerage companies, who own and manage the network of public foul and surface water sewers. The majority of public sewers are located in highways. Thames Water has a copy of the sewer maps, which can be viewed at the their offices.
To report an overflowing public sewer, you should look at your water bill to find out who your supplier is.

If it is Anglian Water you should call them on 08457 14 51 45.
If it is Affinity Water you should call Thames Water on 08459 20 08 00

Flooding from private sewers or drains
If your private drains or sewers are overflowing, you will need a drainage contractor to deal with any blockage (see " Yellow Pages " under "Drain and Pipe Cleaning"). If you are uncertain if any blockage is in the public or private sewers, the sewerage company should be able to determine this, once on site, then recharge you the cost of any work on the private sewers.

Flooding from a burst water main
The local water supply company is Affinity Water (see your water bill). The water company are responsible for their supply up to and including the water stopcock.

Flooding from a water service pipe or internal pipework
This is the water system in the property up to the stopcock and is the responsibility of the homeowner or landlord. It would need the attention of a plumber (see Yellow Pages or similar directories).

Flooding from a main river
The main rivers are the responsibility of the Environment Agency, on 0845 933 31 11. In addition, the Agency provide a "Floodline", which is a 24 hour advice and information service for floods and flood warning on 0345 988 1188.

Flooding from watercourses, other than main rivers
Watercourses, other than main rivers, are your responsibility if your property or land is on, or very near, a watercourse. You have a duty to keep the watercourse clear of any obstruction to flow and the Council can serve legal notices on you to deal with obstructions. Certain "strategic" watercourses, that are known to pose a high risk of property flooding if they become blocked, are checked and maintained by our contractor on a regular basis.

Provision of sandbags to protect against flooding
We cannot provide sandbags. If your home is at a high risk of flooding, eg. as a result of being in close proximity to a watercourse, we recommended you get sandbags from a builders' merchant as a precaution.

Contact info
Highway services
Luton Council, Central Depot, Kingsway, Luton, Bedfordshire, LU4 8EJ

[email protected]


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