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Luton Borough Council

The Luton net zero roadmap


Working with Aether UK, the council updated their carbon emission master plan to become net zero. As part of Luton’s overall 2040 vision, it is the commitment of Luton Council to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions from the council estate and operations to net zero as well as lead the way to a net zero town by 2040. The commitment is one of five strategic priorities at the heart of the 2040 vision to ensure that Luton is a healthy, fair, and sustainable town, where everyone can thrive, and no-one has to live in poverty.

At an operational level, we will work across all council services and departments and provide the necessary resources and performance review to improve environmental performance and build resilience into existing and future services and provisions. We will encourage and enable all employees to embed these commitments into their daily work to make it standard practice. We will also work with contractors and suppliers to improve environmental performance. This policy will, therefore, be communicated to all employees and contractors working for or on behalf of the council.

We are committed to:

  • reducing greenhouse gas emissions to net zero carbon by 2040 for the council estate and Luton town
  • ensuring that local environmental, social and economic issues are addressed to ensure that Luton is a fairer, healthier and sustainable place to live where everyone can thrive and no-one has to live in poverty
  • working collaboratively with residents and our schools, hospitals, local businesses and our charities to actively encourage responsible practices and behaviours
  • identifying and managing the council's own local environmental and climate change impacts
  • identifying the risks and vulnerabilities from expected climate change and produce plans and actions to limit negative impacts and improve resilience
  • leading by example and use our influence to raise awareness and understanding of environmental and climate change issues
  • promoting this policy and make it known to all staff, members, suppliers, contractors, partners and citizens


© 2025 Luton Council, Town Hall, Luton LU1 2BQ