Minerals and waste
We carry out our minerals and waste policy planning jointly with Bedford Borough and Central Bedfordshire councils through a shared service.
Minerals and waste Local Plan: strategic sites and policies (MWLP:SSP)
The MWLP:SSP sets out strategic policies on which future waste management and mineral extraction will be assessed. It identifies strategic sites for mineral extraction, non-hazardous waste landfill and other waste management activities.Waste recycling and recovery, including generating energy where appropriate, is an important part of the plan. The nearest strategic site to Luton will be at Thorn Turn, on the A5 near Houghton Regis.
The plan safeguards the existing rail served aggregates depots at Leagrave Road and Crescent Road, as well as the asphalt-making plants and the concrete batching plants that provide essential materials for road construction and maintenance.
No sites in the borough are identified for mineral extraction or for large scale waste management because no sites have been previously proposed and Luton is a heavily built up area.
Following approval by Bedford Borough, Central Bedfordshire and Luton Borough councils in January 2014, the plan is now fully adopted.