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Luton Borough Council

Local list of buildings of local or historic interest


Locally listed buildings and structures

Locally listed buildings and structures Luton Council has adopted a local list of buildings that are of local architectural or historic interest. The buildings and structures that are on the Local List are non-designated heritage assets. These are buildings and structures that although not statutorily listed, have been identified by the council as local planning authority as having local interest.

Planning applications in Luton must be determined in accordance with the adopted Local Plan, unless material considerations indicate otherwise. Policy LLP30 - Historic Environment in the adopted Luton Local Plan 2011-2031 (2017) states that to protect, conserve and enhance Luton's unique and rich heritage, identity and sense of place, development proposals must take account of the character, setting, and local distinctiveness (including materials and detailing) of local affected heritage assets i.e. including locally listed buildings. Any harm and benefit will be assessed against the significance of any affected heritage asset, again including locally listed buildings.

The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) policy for locally listed buildings and structures states that the effect of a planning application on the significance of these non-designated heritage assets, including any contribution made by their setting, should be taken into account in determination (para. 194). In weighing applications that directly or indirectly affect the non-designated heritage assets that comprise a local list, the NPPF states that ‘a balanced judgement will be required having regard to the scale of any harm or loss and the significance of the heritage asset’ (para. 203).

The national Planning Practice Guidance explains how non-designated heritage assets on a local list have ‘a degree of heritage significance that merits consideration in planning decisions but that do not meet the criteria for designated heritage assets'. While the buildings and structures on our Local List do not have statutory protection against alteration or demolition, their local listing is a material consideration for us as planning authority in deciding applications.

The desirability of conserving the heritage assets on Luton's Local List is a material consideration in determining planning applications.


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