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Luton Borough Council

Council Tax discount, exemption and reliefs

There are a number of ways you can get help to pay, or reduce, your Council Tax bill.

Council Tax discounts and exemptions

Council Tax discounts are available for disabled people, single people, care workers, disregarded persons and more.

Council Tax discounts and exemptions

Council Tax Reduction

Council Tax Reduction is available to support vulnerable members of the community, such as pensioners and people with disabilities.

Council Tax Reduction

Enquiry form

Contact us via this form if you can't find the information you're looking for.

Complete our enquiry form

Homes for Ukraine scheme

On 18 March 2022 the Government opened the Homes for Ukraine Scheme for visa applications.

Find out more about the scheme
Contact info
Luton Borough Council, Town Hall, George Street, Luton, Bedfordshire, LU1 2BQ
Tel: 01582 510342
Fax: 01582 546977


© 2024 Luton Council, Town Hall, Luton LU1 2BQ