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Luton Borough Council


Find out more about the reason for a Council Tax exemption or discount for students below.

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Halls of residence are automatically exempt. You don't need to do anything. Full-time students who don't live in Halls don't usually need to pay Council Tax. If everyone in the household is a full-time student, you must claim an exemption.

Apply for a student discount or exemption

You may be able to get a reduction or exemption on your bill if:

  • everyone at the property is a student, the property is exempt - however, you must still apply for the exemption
  • households that has both students and non-students
    • where one household member (over 18) isn't a student, the property can't be exempt - the non student is responsible for the bill and may be able to get a reduction, for example this may be a single parent of a student or students living with them
  • the student is the sole owner or tenant, they will remain liable for the bill but also may be able to get a reduction if someone who isn't a student is living with them

Please be aware there are two or more household members (over 18) aren't students there is no exemption

If the student is the sole owner or tenant, they will remain liable for the bill but also may be able to get a reduction if someone who isn't a student is living with them.

Apply for a student discount or exemption

Unlike full-time students, part-time students have to pay Council Tax. There is a 25% reduction on the bill if one part-time student is sharing with one or more full-time students. The part-time student is then responsible for the remaining 75% of the bill.

Student halls of residence are exempt from Council Tax.

If you live in a student hall of residence there is nothing to pay. You don't need to claim an exemption.

To qualify as a student hall of residence the building must be either:

  • owned or managed by a charity, or by an educational establishment that mainly provides further or higher education
  • included in an agreement that allows an educational establishment to allocate most of the people who live there

If you’re a foreign full-time student with a partner or dependant who is not a British citizen and is not allowed to work or claim benefits you’ll not have to pay Council Tax while you’re studying.

You’ll have to submit a copy of your partner's passport with the other student details that we need for you in the form below.

Apply for a student discount or exemption

If you own a home in Luton that's empty while you're away studying, you may be able to get money off your bill. Once you have reported the change of address form please complete the empty home discount form.

To qualify for this exemption:

  • the property must have been your place of residence prior to moving elsewhere to study and
  • you must have been a student whilst living there or
  • become a student within 6 weeks of leaving the property

If the home is somewhere else then apply to that council.

After you've applied for a discount

You must still pay the amount on your Council Tax bill until you hear from us.

If you qualify for the discount, we’ll check every year that you're still entitled to it. Tell us if your circumstances change in the meantime as this may affect your discount. If you don't tell us you may have to pay a penalty.

© 2025 Luton Council, Town Hall, Luton LU1 2BQ