If your Council Tax bill is incorrect
You should check that the details that we hold on your council tax account are correct. You can do this online by registering to use our online services. Once registered you can:
- view details of you Council Tax account
- check balances and make payments
- make an arrangement to pay Council Tax arrears
- tell us you're moving
- tell us when you moved in
- sign up for Direct Debit
- sign up for E-billing
If you still think your Council Tax bill is incorrect, you can contact us by making an online enquiry.
Please note that it may take some time to investigate your enquiry, in the meantime, you must ensure that you continue to pay your Council Tax bill as advised, until our records are updated.
Once we have processed your enquiry, we will either:
- decide that the bill is wrong and send you a new one
- decide that the bill is right and explain why
There is no requirement to contact us whilst we come to a decision.
What to do if you disagree with our decision
If you disagree with our decision, you can ask us to look at our decision again. If it is still unresolved or if you don't hear anything from us within two months of originally raising the dispute, you can appeal direct to the valuation tribunal.
When to appeal to the valuation tribunal
You can appeal against our decision if you think:
- we are sending bills to the wrong person for your home
- your home should be exempt from Council Tax
- the amount of the bill is wrong, for example if you think you're entitled to a discount
- we haven't reduced the bill for a disability
There are time limits for appealing to the tribunal. These are:
- two months after we have responded to your dispute
- four months from when you first raised your dispute, if you have heard nothing from us
The tribunal will ask you to make your appeal in writing, stating which decision you are appealing against, why you disagree with it, or, as the case may be, that the council did not reach a decision. If you and the other parties agree, your case may be dealt with by an exchange of written representations.
Otherwise, the tribunal will get in touch with you to make arrangements for a hearing and will send you a leaflet explaining its procedures in detail. Hearings usually last no more than a day. A tribunal hearing will not cost you anything unless you choose to employ a solicitor or other person to present your case. If the tribunal decides in your favour, we will revise your bill and adjust your payments, if necessary.
Send your appeal to:
Valuation Tribunal Service - Hepworth House
2 Trafford Court
Fax: 01302 321447
You must continue to pay the full bill until your appeal is decided.
I think my band is wrong
If you think your property has been put in the wrong Council Tax valuation band contact the Valuation Office Agency.