Who we are and what we do
Here you can find links to our Constitution, structures, opening hours, contacting councillors and more.
Opening hours:
- main offices (including Housing offices)
- education support
- special educational needs
- children's social care complaints
- libraries
- community centres
- day care centres
Your local councillors
Role of the Returning Officer - In England, every district council is required to appoint an officer of the council to be the Returning Officer for the election of district councillors and for the election of councillors of any parishes within the district. The duties of the Returning Officer are separate from their duties as a local government officer. The Returning Officer is personally liable for the conduct of the election.
Acting Returning Officers and Returning Officers for UK Parliamentary elections are responsible for the conduct of UK Parliamentary elections, often in constituencies that straddle one or more local authority areas.
Regional Returning Officers for European Parliamentary elections - Regional Returning Officers are appointed for each electoral region across Great Britain, who have responsibilities for accepting nomination papers and for declaring the results of the allocation of seats within each constituency. Local Returning Officers remain responsible for the conduct of the poll, but may be directed by the Regional Returning Officer in the discharge of their duties.
Registrar of Births, Deaths, Marriages