Luton Borough Council
Luton Insights tool
Luton Insights brings together a huge range of publicly available datasets and metrics from across the spectrum.
It covers:
- health
- deprivation
- education
- population
- the economy
Each data element is available for small geographies within Luton such as:
- lower layer super output areas, consisting of on average of 1,765 residents
- middle layer super output areas, consisting of on average of 10,168 residents
This means users can see localised outcomes more accurately.
The features of the tool include:
- an analytical and dynamic map of Luton
- key services such as GP practices and medical centres plotted on a map
- a statistical dashboard which shows how Luton compares for key metrics against:
- our neighbours in Central Bedfordshire, Bedford borough and Milton Keynes
- areas with similar characteristics to Luton throughout the country
- detailed reports of Luton and all 19 wards
The datasets are updated regularly, so do visit the site and use the tool frequently to see the latest data.
© 2024 Luton Council, Town Hall, Luton LU1 2BQ