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Luton Borough Council

Sports ground safety certificate


Safety at sports grounds

In partnership with other public organisations we are working towards ensuring a safer community through the safety at sports grounds legislation. We check and inspect large sports stadia within the Borough.

I run a sports ground, do I need a licence or certificate?

If your sports ground has a covered stand which seats 500 spectators or more you will need to apply for a safety certificate.
If you operate a sports ground that holds more than 10,000 spectators, you will need to apply for a safety certificate.

Conditions of the certificate

A safety certificate will specify the conditions of use of the Sports Ground.

How do I apply for a certificate?

Apply for a sport ground safety certificate
Apply to certify a regulated stand at a sports ground

What does a certificate cost?

There is no charge.

What Information will I need to provide?

You will need to supply strategies, plans and risk assessments demonstrating that adequate provisions will be made for the safety of spectators.
Guidance documents are available from the Communities and Local Government website.

Will the sports ground need to be inspected?

We will inspect the sports ground from time to time, sometimes this will be during a performance or an event.

How long will it take to process my application?

The time taken to issue a certificate can vary depending upon the quality of the documentation provided and complexity of the proposals. We would expect to reply to you within about six weeks of receipt.

Can I appeal if my application is turned down?

Yes, you can appeal to the magistrates court.

How long does the certificate last?

A safety certificate is reviewed at least once per year.
It may be updated in order to accommodate alterations to the structure of the Sports Ground or it may be revised as a result of changes to the way the sports ground is used.

How do I tell you about changes in my circumstances?

Tell us about a change to your existing safety certificate for sports grounds

Tell us about a change to your existing safety certificate for a regulated stand at a sports ground

Where can I go for further information?

The following organisations have helpful information on their websites:
Communities and Local Government.
Football Licensing Authority

Is there a public register of certificates?


Contact info
Building control
2nd Floor, Town Hall, George Street, Luton, Bedfordshire, LU1 2BQ
Tel: 01582 546607

[email protected]


© 2025 Luton Council, Town Hall, Luton LU1 2BQ