Animal movement

In order to protect the health of national herds of animals such as cattle, pigs, deer, sheep and goats there are requirements on the owners to keep records of movements.
Request animal movement licence
Following foot and mouth, certain licensing requirements for movement of animals are still in operation under the post foot and mouth movement regime.
The latest information on licensing requirements should be sought from us on the number provided or from the Department for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) website . Summary of the Main Requirements General Movement Licences From the 6th September 2002 it is no longer necessary to apply for an individual license to move livestock.
A movement may take place under the authority of a general licence provided the movement is a permitted one.
In particular, you should be aware of the rules in relation to the 20-day standstill period.
You do not need apply for the general licence, but you must comply with the conditions of the licence. Failure to observe the conditions of the general licence may mean that you will be debarred from using it.
You would then have to apply for an individual licence every time you wish to move any livestock. There are some exemptions to the above. Pigs moved from a market require a specific licence issued by the local authority.
If you wish to walk a pet pig you will need a licence from DEFRA. In the case of sheep, goats, deer or pigs you must complete the relevant parts of a standard movement document before the movement takes place.
The movement document must accompany the animals during transport. A copy of the movement document must be sent to the local authority within 3 days. All cattle movements must be notified to BCMS within 3 working days. The general licence is available on the DEFRA website or we can send you a copy.
The standard movement document is available as an Adobe Acrobat file the DEFRA website. 20 Day Movement Restriction Any movement of animals on to your premises will trigger a 20-day movement restriction. i.e. no stock will be permitted to move off.
However there are exemptions.
Please check the DEFRA website or contact us for further details.
Opening times:
Monday to Friday
9.30 to 13.00, 14.00 to16.00.
Luton Borough Council, Town Hall, George Street, Luton, Bedfordshire, LU1 2BQ