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Luton Borough Council

Your physical and mental health

There is lots of information and guidance available to help you and your family maintain your physical and mental wellbeing.

Getting medical help or advice if you are ill or injured

If you’re ill or injured and need medical help or advice, choose well by using the right NHS service for your needs. You can also prevent illness by having an NHS health check.

NHS 111 online

If you think you need medical help right now, 111 online can tell you what to do next.

I want to get:

Other ways to contact 111 if you have a hearing problem or need help in other languages.

For less urgent health needs, contact your GP or local pharmacist.

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Your local pharmacist can give advice on illnesses and the medicines you need to treat them.

They can offer advice and medicines for health problems, such as coughs, colds, sore throats, tummy trouble and aches and pains.

Many are open until late and at weekends. You do not need an appointment.

Find a pharmacy

GP surgeries

GP surgeries are usually the first contact if you have a health problem. They can treat many conditions and give health advice. They can also refer you to other NHS services.

Anyone in England can register with a GP surgery to access NHS services. It's free to register. You do not need proof of address or immigration status, ID or an NHS number.

Find a GP

Depending on your age and any pre-existing conditions, you can have one of two different health checks:

  • NHS Health Check
  • Mini health check at a health station

The NHS health check is a health check-up for adults in England aged 40 to 74. It's designed to spot early signs of stroke, kidney disease, heart disease, type 2 diabetes or dementia. As we get older, we have a higher risk of developing one of these conditions. An NHS Health Check helps find ways to lower this risk.

You can contact your GP or Total Wellbeing Luton (Luton’s Health & Wellbeing service provide).

Please refer to the NHS website for more information

Mini health check at a health station

Keep a regular track of your health at one of Luton’s health stations. The health stations are free to use and will give you a fully-automated mini-health check in under 10 minutes.

More information on mini health checks

Get help with NHS prescriptions and health costs: you might be able to get free NHS prescriptions, dental treatment, eye tests and help with other NHS cost.

If you're referred to hospital or other NHS premises for specialist NHS treatment or diagnostic tests by a doctor, dentist or another primary care health professional, you may be able to claim a refund of reasonable travel costs under the Healthcare Travel Costs Scheme (HTCS).

There are many things that can affect your mental health, particularly if you are dealing with financial problems. It's normal and help is available.

The NHS can help you find a local NHS urgent mental health helpline.

For urgent mental health support, contact:

  • call 111 option 2 NHS Mental Health Crisis Line (24/7 helpline for anyone of any age)
  • The Samaritans
  • if it's a life-threatening emergency call 999.

Where can I find support in Luton?

Mind BLMK’s Wellbeing Centre in Luton offers a range of services to support better mental health.

Crisis Cafes are safe, non-judgemental spaces that you can come to if you find yourself in crisis or mental distress in the evenings. You will be met by a trained mental health worker who will listen and help you identify ways to address the problems you are facing.

Crisis Cafes are open seven days a week, 365 days of the year, between 5 to 11pm.

You can find the Luton Crisis Café at the:
Luton Wellbeing Centre
46-56 Dumfries Street,

Total Wellbeing Luton

Total Wellbeing Luton offer a talking therapy service and emotional health support. This service can be access by anyone who lives in Luton and is over 16.

You can also use their self-help page with the 5 steps to wellbeing and discover other organisations working in Luton and supporting mental health.

Other useful links
  • Every Mind Matters provides simple tips and advice to start taking better care of your mental health.
  • The Mental Health Foundation provides advice and information about how to look after your mental health.
  • Visit the NHS mental health and wellbeing advice website for self-assessment, audio guides and practical tools, if you are experiencing stress, feelings of anxiety or low mood.
  • Call The Samaritans for free any time, from any phone on 116 123 just to talk. You don’t have to be suicidal.
  • Healthwatch Luton has published a directory of adult mental health services and support available to access across Bedfordshire, Luton and Milton Keynes. Mental Health Public Directory October 2023

Mental health crisis breathing space

The mental health crisis ‘breathing space’ scheme gives people in problem debt and receiving treatment for a mental health crisis a ‘breathing space’ from the people they owe money to, so they can focus on their mental health recovery.

Find out more, refer someone you know, or apply yourself for a mental health breathing space.

A similar ‘breathing space’ scheme is also available for people who are not currently in mental health crisis, which allows individuals time to get debt advice to help relieve the stress caused by debt.

If your child is struggling with their emotional and/or mental health, there are a number of local and national services offering information, advice and support for children and young people aged 0 to 25 years.

This collection of resources reflects a multi-agency approach to supporting the emotional wellbeing of children and young people in Luton.

More about support for children and young people aged 0 to 25 years

Chat health

11 to 19 year olds can text the Luton Community Health services school nurse team on 07520 616070 for advice and support on all aspects of health & wellbeing such as:

  • Mental health
  • Healthy eating
  • Relationships

Support for students

Students can look on the Nightline website to see if their university or college offers a night-time listening service. Nightline phone operators are all students too.

It can be extremely stressful when your child is unwell.

The Healthier Together website has been developed in partnership between parents and healthcare professionals from across Bedford, Central Bedfordshire, Luton and Milton Keynes. It provides support for young people, parents and pregnant women.

The Healthier Together website provides support for young people, parents and pregnant women. You'll find clear information on common childhood illnesses, including advice on what 'red-flag' signs to look out for, where to seek help if required and how long your child's symptoms are likely to last.

Support for

Luton Family Hubs

Luton Family Hubs is a town-wide partnership offering support to every family in Luton, whatever their experience or circumstances.

They are here to support every child’s changing needs, whether you are :

  • thinking about starting a family
  • expecting a child
  • a family with a child up to the age of 19 years
  • a family with a young person up to 25 years with special educational needs and disabillites (SEND)

Find out more about Luton Family Hubs.

Luton Local Offer

The Luton Local Offer helps you find information about local services, support and events for children and young people aged 0 to 25 years who have special educational needs or disabilities (SEND).


Smokefree has lots of free support this includes a smartphone app, email programme or text messages that will keep you focused wherever you are.

You can also speak to your doctor, pharmacy team or local Stop Smoking Service for expert advice on stop smoking medicines.

Drugs and alcohol

There is a wide range of support available, whether your aim is to stop drinking or using drugs altogether, or just to cut down.

  • Resolutions support adults in Luton who are struggling with alcohol and/or drug use.
  • Turning Point offer you or a loved one a range of services depending on what you need, from detox and residential rehab to supported living and aftercare support.
  • Drug FAM provide support for families, friends and partners who are struggling to cope with a loved one’s addiction to drugs or alcohol and to those who have been bereaved by addiction or related causes.
  • Call Narcotics Anonymous helpline 0300 999 1212 (10am – midnight) or find a local meeting.
  • Call the Alcoholics Anonymous national helpline free on 0800 9177 650 or find your local Alcoholics Anonymous meeting.
  • Find personal advice online, including tips for cutting down and additional support on DrinkCoach.
  • Have a free and confidential online web chat with a real person who understands the problems you are facing with Drink Wise Age Well.
  • Talk to Frank for friendly, confidential drugs advice.


  • Gamble Aware offers free, confidential help for anyone who is worried about their or someone else’s gambling.
  • Gamblers Anonymous Runs local support groups for people with gambling addictions. They offer help and support via their website, including a forum, chat room and literature.
  • GamCare provides a range of information and advice for those experiencing or affected by a gambling problem.
  • BigDeal is a place for young people to get information, advice and guidance about gambling. They also help parents and professionals such as teachers, social workers and youth workers.

Your physical health has a big impact on how you're feeling emotionally and mentally. It can be easy to fall into unhealthy patterns of behaviour which in turn can make you feel worse.

Try to:

  • eat healthy, well-balanced meals
  • drink enough water
  • exercise once a day
  • avoid smoking, alcohol and drugs

Active Luton offer a range activities at their centres, including swimming and group fitness.

The GoLess card offers discounted rates for activities at Luton Active centres. If you are receiving certain benefits you may be eligible for the Go4Less Advantage card which offers more discounts, more about Go4Less cards.

There's also lot of free content online to help you get active outdoors and at home. Here are a few ideas:

  • Be Active have a dedicated section of their website about getting active and keeping moving, including walking, running or cycling
  • Walking: find out more about walks to go on including The Luton Hat Trail, Upper Lea Valley Walk, plan a route, walking clubs and more
  • Cycling: Information about Luton’s bike recycling scheme, cycle training and the Luton and Dunstable Cycle forum
  • Couch to 5k: a nine week programme of podcasts, consisting of three runs a week, the programme gradually builds up intensity and provides a choice of coaches
  • Active 10 app: from the NHS is a good way to monitor and gradually increase brisk walking levels over time. It’s available to download via the App Store and Google Play
  • This girl can has put together a useful list of exercises to try at home, from table top press ups to living room wall sits - great for both women and men
  • You can follow home workout videos from the NHS which includes a strengthening workout and a 10-min cardio workout
  • NHS seated exercise routines for older people and those with limited mobility routines for older people and those with limited mobility
  • There are a number of websites with online home workouts that you can watch and do whenever, some for free or with a free trial period, for example Fitness Blender has over 500 free workout videos
  • NHS 111 online get help for your symptoms - if you think you need medical help right now, 111 online can tell you what to do next

Feeling lonely is something that all of us can experience at any point and can have a huge impact on our wellbeing.

If you’re feeling lonely go to the Every Mind Matters loneliness webpage, for free support and advice.

Social prescription helps people to live well by connecting them with activities and people in their local communities. It is non-medical support to help people who may be lonely or isolated, those who care for others but need support themselves, and people living with long-term conditions and/or emotional health issues, to improve their wellbeing. Find out more Total Wellbeing Luton - Social Prescription

Volunteering is a good way of meeting people. Helping others can also really help improve mental health. See Community Voluntary Service Bedfordshire for local volunteering opportunities.

Age Concern Luton has been helping older people improve their overall quality of life, receive timely practical help, get out and about and retain dignity in later life for nearly 20 years.

Online support

You can also get support and help online from a wide variety of places. We've listed a few organisations to get you started.

  • Mind explains loneliness, including the causes of loneliness and how it relates to mental health problems. Gives practical tips to help manage feelings of loneliness, and other places you can go for support.
  • The NHS has a list of things you can try to help with loneliness, including a mood self assessment.
  • The Red Cross Connecting Communities team can help you connect with your local community and meet new friends.
  • The Campaign to end Loneliness believe that people of all ages need connections that matter. They share research, evidence and knowledge with thousands of other organisations and the public to make a difference to people's lives.
  • Mental Health Foundation have tips and advice to help you cope with feelings of loneliness and isolation. Written with care, for you, by young people.
  • The Silver Line is a free confidential helpline providing information, friendship and advice to older people, open 24 hours a day, every day of the year. You can call them on 0800 470 80 90

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