Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment privacy notice
About this privacy notice
Luton Council is the data controller for purposes of the Data Protection Act (2018) and the UK General Data Protection Regulation and is registered as a data controller with the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) under registration number Z6770906.
Luton Council is committed to protecting your personal information. As a data controller we have a responsibility to make sure you know why and how your personal information is being collected in accordance with relevant data protection law.
Why we are processing your data
We are collecting and processing your data for the purpose of obtaining views on how you access and use community pharmacy (or local chemists) services in Luton.
Everybody’s views are important to ensure the pharmacy services in the town meet your needs.
Your views will help us to develop future pharmacy services.
We have a lawful basis for processing your data:
- GDPR Art.6 (1) (c) compliance with a legal obligation under S.3 Local Government Act 1999
- GDPR Art.9 (2) (g) substantial public interest under Data protection Act 2018 schedule 1 Part 2 (8) (1) equality of opportunity or treatment and under Section 1 (1) Equality Act 2010
What data we may collect
We do not require personal or identifying information (such as names or addresses) as part of this consultation and respondents should ensure that they do not add any such information within their responses.
This notice covers the processing of any personal information provided incidentally during the consultation.
We ask for the first four characters of your postcode. This is optional and, if you provide it, your postcode will be deleted once we have replaced it with less specific geographical information (for example, which ward you live in).
We ask optional questions for equalities monitoring, including:
- age group (not individual age)
- physical health details
- racial or ethnic origin
- gender and sexual orientation
- religious or philosophical beliefs
How long we'll hold your data (retention)
We will hold this data until 31 October 2029.
Your information rights
Under GDPR you have certain rights concerning your information.
Check your rights in relation to your personal information.
How to get advice or make a complaint
Data Protection Officer
If you have any concerns or questions about how we collect or use your personal data please contact us at [email protected].
How to make a complaint
We aim to resolve all complaints about how we handle personal information. You also have the right to make a complaint about data protection to the Information Commissioner's Office.
Contact them by post: Information Commissioner's Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF or phone 0303 1231 113 (local rate) or 01625 545 745).
You can also make a complaint or find out more information on the Commissioner's Office website.
If your complaint is not about data protection, find details on how to make a complaint about a council service.